All In: Zero Hour draws 196,000 viewers

Wait…hold on…I keep hearing how successful Bullet Club is because of hot topic and youtube and whatever.

Now they not “mainstream”?

Nobody said incel…using that word of an online sub culture that actively hates women for not being property and blaming their love lives on that aspect isn’t the same as being a Virgin loser who only order clothes from Pro Wrestling tees.

Don’t bastardize words…it normalizes bad shit.

Sorry, I said incel when clearly what I meant to say is people who want to have sex but are unable to find a willing partner. I see the difference now, and admit I was wrong.

What other YouTube show gets 200,000 viewers for it’s television debut? Is selling your clothing at a chain brand not a success? You can have success in the entertainment industry without being number one in the box office. If they didn’t have mainstream appeal how did they sell 10,000 tickets in a half hour without a single match announced? I don’t think it was the ticket fairy.

Here’s a conversation that isn’t going to happen:

“Guys, we didn’t get 2.3 million viewers for our first ever television show.”

“Oh we should prob stop wrestling then.”

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I questioned the phrase of “no mainstream stars” like Cody Rhodes wasn’t an on screen television star for a long time

Hell I forgot to add Stephen Amell who is actually on a popular tv show.

Cody’s match was on the PPV not preshow, same with Amell.

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More like fans of the main guys wanting to see what the stage looks like is what drew people to it.

Like I said, weird axes to grind…

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Because you can be pretty successful and not be a mainstream celebrity.

Just like to add:

I really enjoyed how the stage looked. It’s a shame that none of the mainstream stars preformed on Zero Hour, but just seeing the stage was quite something.


Any word on All In PPV numbers?

Could’ve made a dollar and somehow that’ll be impressive.

I can’t remember what the last Impact PPV numbers were, but if All In did less than that, I would call that a disappointment.