Originally published at All Japan's Yuma Aoyagi, Shotaro Ashino & Rising HAYATO clear COVID protocols
Three talents from All Japan clear COVID protocols.
Five positive COVID tests were announced on January 12th from within All Japan Pro Wrestling. Masanobu Fuchi, Yuma Aoyagi, Shotaro Ashino, Rising HAYATO and one staff member contracted the virus and in an update via All Japan’s official website, Aoyagi, Ashino, HAYATO Rising and the aforementioned staff member have cleared COVID protocols after turning over negative tests.
They are resuming their respective duties in All Japan. Masanobu Fuchi (68) has yet to clear COVID protocols. Below is the statement from All Japan concerning the news:
Yuma Aoyagi, Shotaro Ashino, HAYATO Rising and one staff member belonging to our company tested positive for coronavirus and have completed the health observation period under the guidance of the public health center.
The health observation period has ended. The results of the antigen detection reagent test for each player and staff member came back negative. We are pleased to announce that all players and staff have resumed their activities from today, Monday, January 17.
Masanobu Fuchi is still under health observation.
We will continue to take thorough measures to prevent infection and carry out various activities. We would like to apologize for any concern this may cause to our customers and other people involved in our company.
皆様にご心配をおかけしました事をお詫び申し上げます。#ajpw pic.twitter.com/7fOddlzicV
— 全日本プロレス/alljapan (@alljapan_pw) January 17, 2022
As a result of this news, Ashino will still be competing in the scheduled one-night only tournament for the vacant Triple Crown Heavyweight Title. He’ll meet Ryuki Honda in the opening round.