Andrew Yang feels that it's "plain f*cking greed" and "shameful" that WWE mistreats workers while being worth billions

I think it depends on wrestlers as employees becoming a normal and accepted practice. When that happens WWE will probably get back to stocking up wrestlers which fans may hate but is actually good for wrestlers.

Well if the contracts they sign in the future have clauses that can legally be enforced that’s different. The employees would then be making an informed choice and would not be having illegal terms imposed on them.

Andrew Yang has also gone after the UFC as well on Joe Rogan’s show along with talking about extending the Ali Act to Mixed Martial Arts on Twitter.

Some of the irrational people on here will probably hate him now that they know he appeared on Joe Rogan’s podcast…

After listening to this, I do believe him when he says he is going to attempt to do something if Biden/Harris win.