ASK-A-WAI: Questions Thread

from Luk

This might be a controversial topic, so I want to preface: I think most people would agree that women’s wrestling wasn’t taken seriously for a very long time, as evidenced by the decades of divas and bra & panties match-type presentation the women would get in various companies. Fortunately, we’ve since seen a big improvement in match quality and opportunities afforded to women, leading to the rise of great wrestlers like Sasha Banks, Britt Baker, Io Shirai, etc. However, due to being set back for so long, I do personally feel that women’s wrestling has yet to FULLY catch up to its full potential when it comes to workrate, aggression, acrobatics, as we haven’t really seen a female performer on the level of a Takagi, Omega, or Ospreay (in my personal opinion). What are your thoughts on the current state of women’s wrestling compared to the men’s? Do you think that we tend to review women matches on a curve?