Charlotte Flair explains why she is taking time off from WWE

Leave it to me. I’m like a cadaver dog, but instead of dead bodies I can sniff out immature humour from several miles out.

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Not significant, but best I could find is on June 2018 when her implants got ruptured. She returned in in late July and was later inserted in the SummerSlam triple threat match involving Carmella and Becky.

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Braces are to correct your teeth. Implants dont correct anything.

To me implants send a message to other people that there is something wrong with small breasts. It sets a bad example to young women. You should accept yourself the way you are.

The implants also call more attention to her breasts. To me it seems like she is showing off. It takes away from her credability as a serious wrestler to me. When she wrestles I am always reminded of how she used to look like since it was not a small change.

These are just my opinions. If you disagree that is fine. You just look at things differently than me.

Sorry, this goes beyond “difference of opinion.” You’re presumably a 33 year old man. What exactly do you know about setting an example for young women?

Here’s a concept, don’t judge people for their life choices. Do research, educate yourself, and don’t look down on people for choices they make with their body. I don’t think Charlotte Flair cares that your viewing experience is now different because you can’t get your mind off her implants.

Somebody on here posted a good interview from Alexa Bliss on the topic. Maybe read it. Open your mind a little. But as is, there’s a lot of ignorance in your comment. Some perspective wouldn’t hurt. But, you have zero say in what women do with their bodies.

I never said that I had a say in what women do with their bodies. But I can still have an opinion. Just because I dont agree with you does not make MY opinion wrong.

Alexa should not have had the need to get implants in the first place. If she was educated or taught to be confident in her self no matter what, then she would not be feeling inferior to other women.

I’m not going to continue to debate because by the comment I’m almost baffled someone in this community would be so small-minded.

Google depression and eating disorders. They’re very real. Until you achieve any ounce of understanding or empathy, you’re wrong. Not an opinion.

I’ll leave you with this, if you somehow think Alexa Bliss feeling “inferior” to other women is a result of her education, I think the system severely failed you somewhere along the way.

I am not here to talk about mental illness. That is a different topic all together.

It is funny how you think that I have no empathy. I used to be over weight as a child and young teen. I used to hear people making fat jokes about be everyday. So I can relate to not feeling comfortable in your own body and feeling depressed. I eventually worked hard to get in good shape. It is funny how some people that laughed at me are now not in good shape themselves. Not that I get any enjoyment from that because I dont.

But maybe I cant relate to being a good looking girl and still feel like that is not good enough. Im sure that Alexa was not verbally abused anywhere near as much as I was. But again her problem was a metal health issue. I do hope that she is better now. She does seem like a good person.

What is the problem with me wanting women and men to feel good about themselves no matter how they look like. I just think that Charlotte would be a bad influence on someone like a young Alexa.

Ultimately it is up to individuals what they do with their bodies but in the overwhelming majority of cases cosmetic surgery and treatments are not only unnecessary but actually make the individual look ridiculous (you only need to look at all the young girls in the UK with trout pouts).

These cases are a mixture of mental health (lack of self-confidence) and the really pathetic society we now live in where people are so easily influenced. I get what I think @Derek87 is trying to say i.e. it is sad that they feel the need to do this in the first place and don’t have enough self-confidence to not give a f@@k what other people think.

It’s also criminal that so many cosmetic surgeons don’t properly screen potential patients to assess their mental condition and reasons for electing for surgery but I guess you can’t earn the money they do by having morals or principals and adhering to your profession’s oath.

Fine. I’ll humor one more. Because you genuinely seem incredibly misguided. For clarification, I’m speaking about the relationship between mental illness and body image as a whole, unrelated to the specifics of this post.

  1. Mental illness is often and body image are often intertwined. That’s why I told you to read into Alexa Bliss’ story. It’d help you learn. She has used her platform to be vulnerable for that reason.

  2. Your story about being a fat kid who was picked on isn’t relevant. This isn’t about you. Congrats, you lost weight. If you think society projects the same expectations and pressure of body image on men as it does women, you’re wrong.

Men and women both suffer from eating disorders and depression (myself included), but women are far more pressured with expectations of how they should look. Example A) your comments. It’s ingrained into society.

  1. The problem is you’re misguided. You think because YOU see Alexa Bliss as an attractive woman means SHE thinks that. You have no idea the daily battle mentally of not feeling comfortable. Not everyone loses weight and feels good. Body image issues extend beyond those who battle obesity. People starve themselves and still feel awful. And how people choose to make their daily lives more a little more bearable is none of your business. You have no validity or insight to tell a woman how to tackle those issues.

And then on top of allllll that, have you read the social media comments of women in all industries? How vile and unfiltered people are? You don’t think that adds to the issues?

Look, man. I took the bait. I’ve written more than a pro wrestling forum necessitates in an attempt to encourage you do your own research. You’re misguided and lack perspective. You’re also 33. It’s time to read up. I’ve gone so beyond the scope of this post.

TLDR; Even if it’s not pertaining to body image issues, people have the right to do what they want with their body. Regardless of rhyme or reason. People can do what they want for themselves, and your input on the matter doesn’t matter.

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I understand the point that you are making. I actually do agree with you. People do have the right to do what they want with their body and yes they should not care about what I think. But this is a forum so I am just sharing my opinion and perspective. I do appreciate that you shared your knowledge with me.

Yes me being a fat kid before is relevant. You said that I had no empathy. I am giving you an example of why I do.

Bdubs understands the point I am trying to make about needing to do this in the first place and not caring about my opinion about them.

That’s not exactly true. There are many women out there that have implants because they are in fact correcting something. I recommend reading about how implants can be used to give a woman a more natural look after having a mastectomy.

Another example (and this is anecdotal) I know someone personally who had two breasts that were not the same size who had small implants put in to correct it. I look at implants the same way I would look at a rhinoplasty procedure or even BOTOX/Filler, it is something that a person can do to themselves cosmetically speaking because it gives them a boost of confidence, or simply give them a look that they prefer. Of course some people take things like this to an extreme, but if a woman wants to get implants, they shouldnt have to worry about being judged by others.

Men and Women all do things to improve appearance. Whether its getting a haircut, buying an expensive outfit, putting on makeup, receiving a BOTOX treatment, getting implants etc. It’s all a part of a spectrum of cosmetic improvement that each individual has a right of deciding for themselves.

Can it be linked to mental illness, yes. Can a person choose to do these things and have zero issues with mental illness, also yes.

My main point, who cares if she gets implants. She didnt get the implants so fans can enjoy looking at her more, she got them because she wanted them. I feel we really shouldn’t be discussing this.

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I agree. It’s ultimately a pointless discussion.

I can’t agree with this statement though. It’s a complete false equivalency. You cannot equate getting a haircut with getting cosmetic surgery. That is blatantly ridiculous.

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I agree we should not be discussing this. It all seems a bit silly in some ways.

We can only speculate on why Charlotte got the implants. I just hope that it was not to impress Vince. The only thing she needs to improve on is her promos. They are not on the same level as Sasha, Becky, Bayley, Alexa, and Asuka.

I didn’t equate the two, you’re misunderstanding me if that’s what you interpreted from my statement, or to be fair maybe I didn’t articulate it properly. Both are on the spectrum of cosmetic self care, which they are. Calling this a false equivalency is incorrect.

It would be like saying that pushing someone and shooting someone are both on the same spectrum. Does it mean that shooting someone and pushing someone are equal? Of course not. Like that example, getting implants and getting a haircut are both on the same spectrum, again of self care. Are they at the same point in that spectrum? No, of course not, I never implied they were.

Either way, I feel like we are just arguing semantics now.

I see your point.

I think Charlotte can cut really good promo’s, I think she’s underrated TBH. Back when she was feuding with Sasha on Raw I thought she was one of the best in the company. Lately I get what you are saying, seems like she is being overscripted and shes not really evolving. I’ll give you Becky, and Sasha depending on the promo, but I would still put her above Bayley and babyface Alexa (heel Alexa is awesome).

Its hard to compare her to Asuka promo wise, for the most part Asuka shouts in a language I don’t understand so I feel my ability to asses her promo’s properly is compromised. With that said, I do enjoy her on the mic.

I hate to be picking on Charlotte but she does not feel as comfortable on the mic as the others. Maybe it is the way she talks. I think that she is good when she is being very seroius or when she is actually emotional about something. For example winning the title for the first time or talking about Reid Flair.

People shouldn’t be abusing or harassing her for it but you can’t tell people that they have to be in favour of implants. I disagree with implants meaning the person is a bad person but the argument that normalising implants actually normalises society linking a large part of woman’s worth to her looks, is fair.

If they felt insecure about it and got things done and are now happy then great for them. I personally don’t actually think it’s a massive issue. I was trying to think of a male equivalent but couldn’t come up with one. Closest I could think of was hair transplants but that’s more a case of wanting to regain what you had rather than being dissatisfied with your body. Also not seen as a sexual part of the body which means it avoids a lot of judgement. I guess there isn’t a male equivalent…

Either way, hope she recovers both physically and mentally.

I actually think hair transplant is a perfect example. Also, not to speak for woman, but I’m pretty sure many woman would say that the fact that society sexualizes the female beast should not be the reason why they can’t get implants. The point is that they can do whatever they want with their bodies, and people should just leave them alone and reserve judgement.

There is a difference between a guy pushing a women to get implants vs reserving judgement, especially publicly.

Nah it’s not a perfect example, already explained why. If you had a perfectly fine head of hair that no one commented negatively on but you still had a hair transplant because it wasn’t as thick as you’d like then that’d be closer and most people would just comment that it was unnecessary.

It’s possible to say that there was no reason for them to get it done while also recognising it’s their choice. You could say because it’s their choice, other people shouldn’t comment but it’s a cosmetic choice and if we’re comparing it to hair transplants or even haircuts then people will most likely comment on changes. You can’t say “society unfairly views female breasts as sexual when in reality this cosmetic change is like all cosmetic changes” while also saying “people shouldn’t comment on breast implants, it’s not like commenting on other cosmetic changes”. You can react to things how you like but when trying to impose behaviour on to other people, things better make sense.

Anyway, that’s my last take on this and I’ll go back to how we’re all supposed to talk about breasts. And that’s by not talking about them at all… I am not attracted by anything but also, it’s all great.

I think I made my point, I see no reason either to continue.