Here are my top 3:
Cody vs. Panda #3
6 Man Tag #2
Women’s Championship #1
No analysis. I am fat and lazy.
Quick Take on the TNT debut…
Very good show
Tony S. was a dream come true
Liked the Production Value
Mox was sweet!
Big Jack was pretty sweet!
Looking forward to seeing SoCal and Cassidy. Yes, I know SoCal had a dark match you crazy fans you.
Interesting their women’s match was one of the low lights for me. It was a decent in ring story but the work was very sloppy.
My #1 was Pac vs Page by a pretty large margin.
Then the 6 Man Tag match mostly just for the spectacle it should have been a DQ win for the Bucks
Then Cody vs Sammy as it set up the last angle, it seemed pretty clear to me that the handshake was totally to distract him from Jericho.
Pac vs Page over Cole vs Riddle?
Star may be a slight oversell. Also Meltzer says PAC vs Page wasn’t great. Was good. They have had better matches in England
No, Cole Riddle was better, but this thread was favorite AEW match. Were I ranking both Pac vs Page is probably in the mix for 2nd-5th best match.
you know what is not sloppy - a produced TV Show
you know what is sloppy (sometimes) - a real athletic event that involves real athleticism.
Not taking a shot at your feedback, but I never understood the issues with a few slips or not perfectly executed moves as long as the performers do their best to cover them up or regain composure.
I thought how Nyla handled the powerbomb spot of Nakazawa was perfect. Sometimes you miss the dunk. Grab the ball and lay it in. Not every move or spot is going to be 10/10. That’s real competition and WWE refues to let guys go out on limbs for fear of it looking not-produced.
Bayley and whoever might have a technically better match but the crowd is dead for almost everything the WWE women do. Rose/Riho they were red hot and that makes a huge difference for me. Fans liked it and popped so I can ignore a few sloppy moments.
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I don’t mind some, but in the Women’s I’m counting their submission attempts with both looked awful and not very painful. To me that kind of botch is a bigger deal then say what looked like PAC having a bit of an issue with his springboard 450 (he looked like he had some issue with the springiness of the rope). In the women’s match it wasn’t like one or 2 things there were a lot of things that looked sloppy.
The power bomb spot didn’t really bother me though.
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This is bad match booking (agent work); don’t book these spots, especially Riho on Nyla where the hold isn’t believable. That’s on guys like Malenko and whoever is back there to suggest improvements. Something I believe HBK is doing very well for NXT.
It’s always shocked me how WWE gets a pass for having the most safe, over produced matches that eliminate so much athleticism from an athletic art-form.
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Main roster other than Becky I agree, on NXT this is less the case, the crowd is small but they are usually pretty into the women’s matches especially the championship level ones. But even in that case right now AEW has the atmosphere advantage because people are excited about the product in general.
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It’s also a function of the crowd just being into anything they do right now
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That womens match was my favorite, hands down. Knew nothing about the two women before the match and thought they were excellent together
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Pac vs Page was a close second