FEEDBACK: Halloween II (1981) upNXT Movie Review

Ello, ello, ello! Davie Portman here. To round off the Halloween month, Braden and I are going to do a review of the original sequel to Halloween. Please leave all the feedback you have to the movie here.


Tyler from Orlando,

I just re watched this a couple weeks ago and I thought it was good overall.

Michael Myers did his normal characteristics that make him a good slasher, however I have a couple issues as many do with this film.

The random kill where they showed the nurse strapped to a bed with a IV attached to her & dripping blood just didn’t make sense to me? What was Michael trying to accomplish here? A dead body is just as scary as a dead body dripping blood from an IV.

Also, having done 5 years of security related work myself, that security guard did every single thing wrong in his situation, also why is he fat? Why are they always fat?

Lastly, if we are to believe that Michael is a human being who is simply sadistic & wants to kill people, then he shouldn’t survive head shots from a revolver & being set on fire.

That being said, it’s still a 1980’s horror film which means overall it gets a thumbs up from me.

One of the better sequels in the series

Best scene in the movie when a doctor finds a nurse blood being drained and then slips on the blood

How did Micheal do that?

Also forgot laurie saw micheal at the mental hospital wow which has never been covered expect the mother seeing him in the rob zombie version