FEEDBACK: Justice League (2017)

Allo, allo, allo! We are almost at the end of our journey through every single Batman film but we have one more stop before we talk about “The Batman” and we would love to hear all of your thoughts on the 2017 Joss Whedon/Zack Snyder Superhero Team-Up movie - “Justice League”!

Steppenwolf and his Parademons return after eons to capture Earth. However, Batman seeks the help of Wonder Woman to recruit and assemble Flash, Cyborg and Aquaman to fight the powerful new enemy.”

Braden and Davie will be recording on Tuesday.

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Robbie from London, Ontario.
Well I have to give it up to you guys willing to put yourselves through such a lesser version. Im a DC guy and I absolutely loved Man of Steel and also love Batman V Superman (particularly the ultimate cut). Although I thought JL was….fine when I saw it, it’s very clear that WB should have just let Snyder do his thing, since not only is his cut of BvS much better, but the JL Snyder cut I absolutely adored and literally squealed in excitement many times. Snyder’s was a big DC summer crossover come to life, but this 2017 Wheddon cut? Well about half way through the Snyder cut I turned to my girlfriend and said “Well, Wheddon butchered this thing didn’t he” he certainly did lol

I absolutely hated the OG Justice League movie.

It felt contrived, and rushed.

The snyder cut is definitely better. Many characters and plotllines are fleshed out but then it lacks any editing and is far too long.

I feel a good film lies somewhere in the centre.

DC has suffered in their film releases but they are the kings of tv adaptations.

Hope that eventually their film division catches up and cautiously looking forward the The Batman.

Thanks guys again.