FEEDBACK: Saturday Night's Main Event (10/29/1988)

Jesse in Taipei

I’m looking forward to another old school review; good choice @Vanvoneer

I’ve once again cancelled my network subscription in protest of WWE’s unethical behaviour, but luckily I re-watched all of the '80s SNMEs over the past few years.

I love the nostalgia of these shows even though the wrestling was boring. Typically I’d just look at my phone during the matches and look back up during a promo. I mean, how can you not pay attention when a coked-up, roid-head is yelling at you while wearing S&M gear?

After some light research on wikipedia, it seems that SNME ratings remained pretty high into the '90s. They did an 11.1 rating on NBC in January 1990 and the final SNME on NBC in April of 1991 did a 7.7 rating, which still seems high to me, but please correct me if I’m wrong. The two SNMEs on Fox in '92 did an 8.2 and 6.2, respectively.
Given this, my question for you is: When was the last point that WWE could have changed direction and prolonged the “80’s boom period”? For example, do you think this Golden Era could have lasted longer if they hadn’t gone with Iraqi-sympathizing Slaughter for WrestleMania VII? Or do you think they would have had to do something different before that?

Take Care