Please leave your feedback here for the next star-studded episode of “The Rocky Maivia Picture Show” feat. the return of “Keep It 2000” co-host/former WWE writer/current Complex producer Brian Mann!
What did you think of “Southland Tales”? Does Richard Kelly’s high-concept fantasy film deserve it’s negative reputation? Is the all-star cast wasted? Is this secretly one of DJ’s best on-screen performances? Will Nate & Brian like this film more or less than a Russo-riffic edition of WCW Monday Nitro? Check out TRMPS on Saturday, June 22nd to find out the answers to all those questions & more!
Finally, on a scale of 1-5, what rating would you give the film?
This is not just the rocks worst movie. This is the one of the worst movies I have ever seen, what on earth is going on? If this is a pseudo political movie where you’re trying to portray the left and right as equally bad, you have nothing to say. As a massive Donnie Darko fan, I had high hopes for this but what a massive let down.
I will say, performance wise, the rock, buffy, stifler, JT etc. are all pretty ok to actually good in this absolute arsescrape of a movie.
I don’t know or remember even hearing of this. I will say the trailer has me mildly intrigued. Will I live to retreat it, or forget all about it in 5 mins…
Alright, confession time… I really like this movie.
It’s ridiculous, it’s dumb, it’s completely bat-shit mental… and I find it very weirdly watchable.
Now I fully realise this is not by any normal metric a good movie… the plot is all over the place, it’s confusing, and whatever Richard Kelly was going for really doesn’t land at all…but dammit, if The Rock trying he’s best to play a jiterry pimp and Justin Timberlake lip syncing to the killers doesn’t keep me entertained.
Question… I’ve long said this is the movie that I really like that I would never recommend to anyone. So what would movie do you really like but would never recommend to a friend?