FEEDBACK: WWE Extreme Rules 2012

Plenty to like about this show in Chicago. Bryan/Sheamus 2/3 falls was, at one point, the best match of Sheamus’ career. It was a helluva make-good for the 18 second debacle that served as the catalyst to make Bryan for life and he got to showcase his best in the world skillset in a lengthy match. The Punk/Jericho street fight was far better than the WM match they’ve had as it bolstered his title run and credibility.

Lesnar/Cena pushed the boundaries of the PG era. It was a choice at the time to have Brock lose his first match in 8 years post-UFC run. This is way, way before WWE and UFC were under the same umbrella. My, my, have times changed.

There was filler sprinkled throughout Extreme Rules but those three matches carried it.

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