FEEDBACK: WWE SmackDown 2/21/20

What did you think of WWE SmackDown?

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Paul from New Jersey

Last week, I thought there was nobody who sounded more disingenuous than Hulk Hogan. but I have to say Nikki Bella could certainly give him a run for his money. Always enjoyed Heath Slater so I hope he & Gulak are a permanent pairing going forward. symphony of destruction match was fun. Mella & Naomi must have been screaming spots at each other as it could be heard throughout the entire match. I think the ref was yelling spots as well. Not a big deal for me, it was just very noticeable. Otis deserves love. 5.5.

PS, I would like to point out that a certain Ting man stated on a solo SmackDown review, that Lacey Evans would benefit from doing backstage sit down promos explaining her character change.

Nick from Lansing

While not an outstanding show, Smackdown does feel like it’s starting to move in a more positive direction with their stories.

The drama between Otis, Mandy and Dolph is the definition of cheese, but it’s the right sort of melodramatic to keep me going.

Daniel Bryan is sort of treading water at the moment, but the interaction with Gulack and Slater was funny, and while not a 5 star classic, I have to agree with Drew. Heath had noticeable improvement this match.

Naomi and Carmella had an excellent match. Fast paced. The two of them have been underrated in the past and I hope they’re able to raise their stock.

I’d love wild speculation on who’s hacking into Smackdown right now. I feel like we can narrow it down to Killer Kross, Mustafa Ali or Solomon Crowe

Chris from Pennsylvania,

A bit of an improvement from Smackdown this week. I liked a lot of the small wrinkles that got thrown in like Big E calling out The Usos for not having as many title reigns, or the implication that someone sabotaged the Mandy/Otis date last week. I also liked Gulak as a antagonist for Bryan, I hope this wasn’t just a one week thing. One weird thing that stuck out to me was Lacey and Sheamus both talking about being in Elimination Chamber matches. Two in one show is bordering on too much, but three would definitely be overkill.


I fast forward Smackdown for two reasons:

  1. To see Goldberg
    1a. To see the Mandy Otis storyline

I can’t be the only one who wants Otis vs Dolph at Mania could I?

Also, is the Dark Order coming to Smackdown?

Josh from Vietnam

Can’t believe the only progress with Ortis/Mandy angle is a throwaway mention by Dolph (?) and an admittedly decent promo from Tuckey. Does it feel like this is dragging it feet to get the blow-off at Wrestlemania?
The opening tag match was decent. I feel like a 4 way tag championship match at Wrestlemania is what we are building up to, and in that case, poor Revival. Lacey Evan’s interview still feel a little bit disingenuous, but the lax atmosphere and being with Renee Young made her more comfortable. The Symphony of Destruction match was fun mayhem. Moment of Bliss was fine, if not a little bit rehearsed, but I guess the Bellas are reality stars now, so it’s par for the course. Gulak & Slater tag team? Give me it. The main event was nice, if not for the blatant spot callings that was picked up by the camera. I thought it was from the ref, but probably have to rewatch the show to see who it was.

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Chris Thunder from Down Under

For myself watching live this week nothing made me feel like I have to watch next week.

The musical mayhem (or whatever they called it) match was just weird. No DQ, falls count anywhere but yet the still taged in and out.

Honestly to not see Otis run down in the opening 8-man to get Dolph was a little disappointing.

And well done to Gillburg on not headbutting a locker and being able to cut a promo. Now that being said I still don’t want to see that match.