FEEDBACK: WWE SmackDown 3/19/21

What did you think of WWE SmackDown?

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Erin from Brampton

Hey guys, I enjoyed Smackdown for the most part, but I wanted to get your thoughts on how MJF left the Inner Circle. (I just caught up with Dynamite).

I loved MJF’s promo from Wednesday, but I just realized that his plan as a whole was flawed. It was all based on luck. Within kayfabe, what if the Inner Circle never let him join? Does he still debut his new stable? What would he do if him and Jericho beat the Bucks at Revolution for the titles? Also, the Inner Circle wasn’t even destroyed from within like he said, because they all caught on to his act. It almost seems as if attacking the Inner Circle before joining them would’ve had the same result.

Could they have done this better?