FEEDBACK: WWF Breakdown 1998

Rewind-A-Wai #147 will cover WWF Breakdown 1998 with a review of the show.

This was selected by Espresso Executive Producer @Jesse_from_the_6 and will be released this Thursday for all members of the POST Wrestling Café.

Watch WWF Breakdown (WWE Network account required):

WWF Breakdown
Sunday, September 27, 1998
Hamilton, Ontario at Copps Coliseum
*WWF Championship: Steve Austin (c) vs. The Undertaker vs. Kane
*X-Pac & New Age Outlaws vs. Jeff Jarrett & Southern Justice
*Val Venis w/ Terri Runnels vs. Dustin Rhodes
*Steel Cage Match: The Rock vs. Ken Shamrock vs. Mankind
*D-Lo Brown vs. Gangrel
*Vader vs. Bradshaw
*Marc Mero w/ Jacqueline vs. Darren Drozdov
*Al Snow & Scorpio vs. Too Much
*Owen Hart vs. Edge

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Mark from Blackpool, UK. Patron since day 1, first time leaving feedback!

This is the WWE show I have seen more than any other, I have rewatched it countless times and I couldn’t believe it when I heard you were reviewing it. Why have I seen it so much? I got in to wrestling in a big way in 1999 at the age of 12. For my 13th birthday that year my aunt and uncle said they would get me a WWE VHS tape of my choice from HMV. I scoured the shelves for hours, and as Breakdown 1998 was the only VHS tape in the store that did not feature Sable or Debra half naked on the cover, I figured my parents wouldn’t mind and it would spare my embarrassment!

The show itself was very confusing to 13 year old me, having basically zero knowledge of WWE content prior to WrestleMania 15. Who is this 2 Cold Scorpio guy? Why are Too Cool called Too Much, and why are they heels? Why is Ken Shamrock on a level with WWE Champions The Rock and Mankind? Who the f are Southern Justice? And what is going on with Goldust?! A lot changed in the next 12 months.

The show itself is instantly forgettable. A bunch of matches with absolutely zero star power, outside of the two triple threat matches. I always enjoyed the cage match and as a kid thought the finish was neat with Mankind thinking he had the win. The main event from what I remember is a slow, plodding affair, most memorable for me for Vince’s “you don’t have it any more, it’s mine!” - John can we get an impression please?

Thanks guys.

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