Have any of you tried DDP yoga?

I’m thinking about starting the new year with a fitness regime, and wondered just how worthwhile this one is

Obviously DDP only highlights the positive reviews, but I’ve read of people complaining that it didn’t work at all for them (in a short period of time), finding honest (and sensible) reviews has been difficult

Ordered it and me and my wife love it. even just doing the diamond dozens you can feel it. Honestly its all about what you want from it. it’s a good exercise. i’d sweat and stuff. you’re not going to get super buly muscles or anything. its great on the joints i loved the fact that they had alternative methods for people that may have joint issues or are just not there yet. Maybe for those who it hasn’t worked for either didn’t really keep up with it or were trying to use it for the wrong reasons not sure. i guess everyone’s body is different or preference. I’d like to get back into it this year.

I’ve been using it for the last year and enjoy it. I found a big change in my flexibility and have lost some weight. Remember that nothing works quickly and it won’t work if you don’t change your eating.
That said, I haven’t fully subscribed to all DDP’s diet instructors as it’s too expensive and constricting to eat that way all the time. But I’ve cut out the garbage and do the yoga and I think it works. Just be consistent.

Ordered it two years ago.Have some leg and hip issues. After a week i was in excruciating pain. Instead of working through it and toughing it out I gave up. I still have it in a drawer in my desk. I really want to give it another shot.

I wanted to try it but the price put me off it a bit.

I did it regularly for a few months until a back injury at work made me stop for awhile, and I’ve been putting off starting again. It’s nothing you won’t find in other yoga/physiotherapy courses, but the way the individual programs scale upwards in difficulty is well balanced, and I’m more partial to DDP’s manic drill sergeant approach than the usual Namaste yoga stuff.

I have it. Didn’t do it with an regular basis, but I still like it. It will stretch you out and helps with the flexibility. It has made my arthritis flare up pretty bad once.

You ever try to go to an actual yoga studio?

I have it and have completed the Beginner course. After doing so I definitely felt better and was more mobile and flexible but I took a celebratory break to take a trip to Canada’s Wonderland and unfortunately never picked it back up. If you can stick with it you’ll absolutely see, and more importantly feel, results. Best of luck!

I have not. The most I got into yoga was doing it at home watching Sean Vigue on youtube because it was free.

I felt the movements were easy to remember from the outset as he used terms that most wrestling and sports fans would understand for specific poses. Touchdown into diamond cutter for example. It’s like anything else, the key is to stick with it, but don’t force it or it might become a chore instead of a worthwhile activity.
Also it might seem like a redundant point, but wrestling Inc and Talk is Jericho often talks about their 25% discount codes. Worth checking what they are if you’re not already familiar.
Good luck.

Real studios are like $10 a class or more. $75 for a set of workout routines ain’t that bad in comparison.

So much this. I did yoga randomly before DDP and I couldn’t tell you position a from position b, but I can easily recall most of what DDP said in a heartbeat.

Last winter they had a 50% off for a year (online version) and did that. Got through the beginer, and started intermediate, but got sick then never got back on. Liked it a lot, but had trouble finding the time for the longer sessions.

The online/app version did have a lot of cool extras if you are into cooking etc.

That’s not bad when you put it like that.

I’m interested too.

i actually bought the DVD and it’s a good workout but you need to be motivated for it to work.

I feel that having somebody with you help with motivation because you got somebody to keep you motivated but if you’re doing it by yourself and you’re do it for the right reason, you can’t go wrong with this program.

I did ddp yoga exclusively for several years. At one point i was actually training to be a ddp yoga instructor and was running classes (slacked on it so i could spend more time getting swole). Its a fantastic program. As long as you can deal with DDP’s obnoxious voice then you’ll probably love it. Anybody saying it doesnt work probably isn’t making the right dietary decisions. I would highly recommend if your goals are losing weight, flexibility and core strength. If your looking to put on muscle your going to want to do some weight lifting too. But it will make you more rippedski.

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I have a big problem with the word “yoga”, therefore I will never do it. If it was called DDP Stretching or DDP Lifting Weights Like a Real Man then I might give it a shot.

I do yoga on a somewhat regular basis. I found DDPs voice to be incredibly annoying, to the point where I was laughing. Just something about his raspy voice. I didn’t get a chance to hear “touchdown to diamond cutter” but I would have lost it. That’s just me though and I can see how others would find it beneficial. The idea that anyone could get confused by yoga terminology because they’re sports or wrestling fans is kind of lost on me…

I will say one thing about DDP yoga or any online videos… I’d suggest you hit up a few local beginner classes regardless. Most studios have a $40-50 unlimited monthly beginner program. A lot of poses can be precise, and a slight modification can make things a lot more beneficial. There’s a chance you won’t pick those up by video and could be doing them wrong for months.

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