Indy Wrestling

I was fortunate to make it to a PWG show that coincided with a vacation to Los Angeles I already had planned (fortunate coincidence, taking place the night before I flew back home) and even scored a front row ticket. This was in May 2012, before PWG became what it is now. The show was titled Death To All But Metal; Ricochet vs. El Generico was the main event, Kevin Steen as PWG Champion was on the card early because of a flight, and The Young Bucks and the Super Smash Brothers had I believe a No DQ match for the tag titles. I had an excellent time and remember Nick Jackson pretty much flying over my head at one point.

Excellent show, one of the more underrated ‘B’ shows. Bucks/SSB and Ricochet/Generico are both fantastic.

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Just watched the last two weeks of Defiant Wrestling’s YouTube show… I didn’t hate it.

I love Zack Gibson, I’d love to see matches with him and Chris Dickenson and Timothy Thatcher. They all seem like amazing, mean pricks.

Aries and the dude from CCK had a fun little match. Could have done without the run in at the end… and I’m usually not that guy but with Aries the heel of the invasion angle. It didn’t make sense.

THE IPW invasion might be a pretty weak invasion. I liked Haskins and Jimmy Havoc’s promo work though.

Pretty unhardcore hardcore match. Just saying if your gonna do a hardcore division go for it.

Thought I’d like Speedball Mike Bailey more.

Fun three way women’s match.

A former stick fighter cut a fun outdoor promo, calling out UK Legends.

Wade Barrett is suppose to be the GM but goes missing during an invasion angle but let’s locker room leaders book matches and one leader books himself in a handicap match… why.

And there was a screw job finish with a referee that benefited the babyfaces that wasn’t really followed up on except in a throughaway commentary line.

I usually love creepy cult gimmicks especially with a guy that looks like Charles Manson but his crew is weak and one of the members has a best friend who’s acting in the vignette was such an overreaction and unnatural.

That being said, it didn’t hate it. I’d give it a 5 out of 10. Just needs work. Good production values though.

There not a lot of indy wrestling were i live since i live on the west end of montreal and most of the indy fed are in the east end, so going to those shows are really hard if you go by bus. But i did go to a couple of NCW shows when they we’re still in Montreal, i actually like those shows but they wants and move to fed outside of montreal, so i can’t go see them. Their was also the TOW that use to ran shows in Montreal for a while a couple of years back but that went out of business which is too bad because they really had some great shows.

Lastly, i do go sometimes to the JAcques rougeau’s family wrestling shows, while it’s not your typical wrestling show since it’S a family show, which means no punch, no kids, no hitting people with objects, it’s still entertaining and fun. Outside of that, i don’t really seek out indy wrestling.

Toronto’s got Demand Lucha and SMASH Wrestling. Both places have their own unique rosters and put on professional shows.