Originally published at https://www.postwrestling.com/2022/01/23/kento-miyahara-wins-vacant-triple-crown-following-one-night-tournament/
Kento Miyahara is once against the Triple Crown champion following Sunday’s tournament for the vacant crown.
Last month, Jake Lee sustained several injuries during a match with Ryuki Honda including a fractured nasal bone.
Lee was forced to vacate the Triple Crown due to injuries and a four-man tournament was set up for Sunday’s All Japan card at Korakuen Hall.
In the semi-finals, Miyahara defeated another former holder of the Triple Crown, Suwama. The other semi-final featured Ryuki Honda beating Shotaro Ashino to set up the main event on the card to determine the new champion.
Miyahara pinned Honda after twenty-three minutes with the Shutdown German suplex hold to become Triple Crown holder for the fifth time in his career.
Miyahara last held the Triple Crown from October 2019 until March 2020.
This was the second time in the last two years where the Triple Crown had been vacated following a scenario last year where Suwama gave up the crown after testing positive for COVID-19.
Below are the results from the New Year Wars 2022 card earlier today at Korakuen Hall in front of 536 fans (Courtesy: Purolove.com)
*Triple Crown Semi-Final: Kento Miyahara over Suwama in 11:28
*Triple Crown Semi-Final: Ryuki Honda over Shotaro Ashino in 9:15
*Shuji Ishikawa, Takao Omori, Black Menso-re, Andy Wu & Ryo Inoue over Dan Tamura, Shigehiro Irie, Ren Ayabe, Kazumasa Yoshida & Takako Nakano in 9:04
*Kuma Arashi & Koji Doi over Yuma Aoyagi & Atsuki Aoyagi in 8:33
*Handicap Match: Yoshitatsu vs. Takayuki Ueki, Seigo Tachibana & Baliyan Akki wrestled to a no-contest in 5:53
*All Asia Tag Team Championship: Yusuke Kodama & Hokuto Omori over Izanagi & Devil Murasaki in 8:35
*AJPW Jr. Heavyweight Championship: SUGI (champion) over Rising HAYATO in 12:19
*Triple Crown Final: Kento Miyahara over Ryuki Honda in 23:03 to become the new Triple Crown champion