Lio Rush speaking out

You’re the best gimmick poster on the board, keep it up.

You: “How many locker rooms have you been in?”

Me: Gives a truthful answer, that perhaps - might put me in a better position than you to comment on a subject that you’re acting like expert on.

Again man, I know your gimmick around here is to act like you know more than everybody - but maybe, just maybe, now and then on certain topics you don’t.

The fact you imply gimmickery whenever it suits your narrative shows alot more than anything you project onto others who don’t follow your narrative.

Also…those guys who are dicks…are taking most of your money and drawing the house.

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Cool man. Like I said you know more than everybody. I admit it, I’m out of my depth when speaking in any topic with you. You win.

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Passive aggressiveness really enforces how right you are. :roll_eyes:

Alright everyone. Let’s remember we’re all marks at heart, and go back to playing nice.



I want see some physicality at the next post wrestling convention.

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Deezy has so much experience, he was squash us all.

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Lio sounds like an asshole.

Someone was clearly drunk posting…it’s ok I forgive you.

Deezus blessed

How can we take anything lio says seriously when you factor that fact that he’s spending so much money to get travel first class with is wife every week while most guys on the roster fly coach to save money

Hot off the presses, it’s The Kings Of Sport’s take on The XFL, the Lio Rush situation, and the general decline in locker room morale occurring within the WWE!



This is what he’s up to now.

I was ready to cringe but it actually wasn’t too bad. Thoughts?

The guy has talent.