Originally published at https://www.postwrestling.com/2022/09/30/mcu-l8r-she-hulk-episode-7-review-w-matt-mcewen/
YouTube Members: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W_gQDJhVjuk
This week, WH Park & Rich Fann welcome WH’s friend Matt McEwen (previously of Thunderstruck, Cruel Summer and other appearances) to talk about his experiences as a lawyer watching She-Hulk, thoughts on Jen vs. She-Hulk as shown during this week’s episode, the important question of “is Matt in fact hurtin’ for a Yurtin?”, and why wrestlers can’t be tampered with.
Additionally, the trio talk about the news of Armor Wars becoming a feature film instead of a show, Blade losing its’ director, Deadpool 3 – and plans for an MCU L8R meet up at that time, what they think of the future of the “Hulk family” and what may be next for Jen and the man-babies that comprise Intelligencia. #KarenWasRight
Episode 7 Synopsis:
Jen visits Blonsky’s wellness retreat, meets new friends and gets in touch with her inner She-Hulk.
MCU L8R Recommendations:
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Watch She-Hulk on Disney+: https://www.disneyplus.com/series/she-hulk-attorney-at-law/gPwaYusKqRQh
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