Mike Bennett states he has requested his release from WWE

Mike and Maria have a baby. If the guy was scrapping by to make coin on the indies for years and then are presented by a massive raise during the hysteria by WWE and new contracts to people I understand them taking the money. Bank 6 months worth of that increase. Maybe that’s enough more between them to really change their financial situation. Very possible they always planned to ask out. There’s no downside. Can’t be buried further. And only generate good will with fans to come out with a statement like he did. So worst case; they get paid more which changes their life, best case they banked a few extra months of guaranteed larger downside and now get released.


Read what I said.

I didn’t say it wasn’t their fault and they aren’t bound to their contract. I’m saying it’s strange for fans to be shitting on the guy so hard when he clearly isn’t happy and wants out. I applaud him for realizing that money isn’t worth it asking for his release. Hopefully he can get it and be happy.

Bennett was never a good fit for WWE, but honestly he’s just not that good. I can see him going back to ROH or possibly joining NWA. Problem is that Maria is the real star. He needs her to get over

Hire a lawyer and fight the contractor/employees status. He should be able to hire someone else to do his job if he is a contractor and still do jobs other races. I but they give him his release then.

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