A thread for the Nwa ppv Into the Fire on Dec 14th at 6:05pm Est
Here is the full updated card:
The ppv is still available to purchase here for $24.99:
A thread for the Nwa ppv Into the Fire on Dec 14th at 6:05pm Est
Here is the full updated card:
The ppv is still available to purchase here for $24.99:
Looking forward to this card & seeing how Nwa does on ppv for the first time since they launched the Powerrr YouTube show.
How much will the focus shift from promos to in ring & will promos still feature at all? Will the product hold up to longer matches & format?
*The Tasha Steelz vs Thunder Rosa match was just added today
Long time pod listener, first time poster. I’ll be there in person. Is this a good spot to leave comments during/after?
Looking forward to it. The main event has been built up really well
Of course. Feedback is welcome.
Enjoy the show & looking forward to hear how the show is live
Agreed. Can’t wait to see how it all plays out!
95% capacity crowd at Bell time. Changed up the entry for wrestling to be up top and come down through the crowd.
Filled up during the first match.
Not ideal to have no screens at all in here so we can’t see the video packages and not sure the moment we’re back to live so we can get loud.
Looked like a legit arm injury to the woman that Thunder Rosa beat up after the match. She was in rough shape well after being live.
Biggest pop of the night was RnR express entrance.
Sidenote- rode the elevator down the parking deck with Eddie Kingston earlier. He’s out here for some reason with RnR.
ODB - huge pop
Hope you had a good time
I wonder if they are basing The Question Mark on Kendo Nagasaki.
I know this won’t happen but a Nick Aldis VS Question Mark as a week programme for the title could be quite entertaining wise (Especially the promos)
Can someone explain The Question Mark to me please? Who is playing the character? Why does the character exist? What is the story here?
It doesn’t sound like a character that would fit in NWA.
He’s a mysterious cult character with seemingly special powers of karate. It sounds really dumb but for whatever reason it works