What browser are you using?
Google Chrome
Try a different browser or go mobile. Resorted to Chrome on iOS and then Chromecast.
Try IE or Mozilla Firefox?
Try clearing cache too
My wife thinks I’m insane fir staying up
Alot of people on Reddit are complaining about loading issues as well. I think maybe the system is overloaded.
Tiger Hattori is having a shocker in this one so far nerves getting the best of him maybe.
Stream seems to be working, thanks for anyone who gave me suggestions
She is absolutely right! We are all insane haha this show is gunna be 6 hours long probably.
I logged in early and its always the smart thing to do
I like it when there are shows on this side of the World. 5pm here in Queensland, Australia.
*** Dissreguard, I’m In! good luck everyone! ***
Man did the site crash, ive tried different browsers & on my mobile thru the app nothings working…
Same, I had the stream up like 15 minutes before the start of the Rumble
If billy gunn isn’t in this rumble I’ll be disappointed tbh.
Cheeseburger is fucking over at the Tokyo Dome
I got in during the liger elimination…
Watching on amazon fire. Works great! Can’t believe they had the app. I had to sign up on my phone then just log in on the device. Easier than hooking up the pc to the tv and can watch on the couch on the big screen!
If it helps, you are missing nothing. This has been the most nothing battle royal you have ever seen. Surprises have been Cheeseburger and Gino Gambino.
PC just loaded, but very behind vs. mobile.