Arblus look its Omicron!
Hope everyone is doing well.
I have been a bit absent lately as work has picked up as we prepare for the next COVID season. I wanted to provide an update as I am sure everyone has questions regarding the new VOC Omicron.
What is Omicron? - Omicron is also called B.1.1.529 - it is the newest VOC (variant of concern) and has over 60 mutations from the initial COVID strain. It is called Omicron because the last mutation was called ‘Delta’ and so this would technically be called Nu (skipped bc it sounds like new) and Xi (skipped bc its a common surname) so they went to the next Greek letter.
Why is it concerning? - It was first reported in South Africa but has since spread worldwide. The main reasons it is concerning is the speed at which it spreads and the ability to evade immunity (vaccine or prior infection)
How fast does it spread? - Its hard to say but how we measure it is a Rt value (basically how many people one person will infect if they have it). Delta was about 1.09. Omicron is at least 2.5-4 range.
Does it evade the immune system? - Yes it does. It appears as per the latest data that two shots of the vaccine (mRNA) offer about 33% reduction in symptomatic disease and 70% against serious one. Two shots of the Astrazenca did not offer much protection. It also infects those with prior COVID at a much higher rate that Delta.
Why is this? - Multifactorial. The obvious answer is that it has more mutations. Also we need to factor in that we are further and further away from the 2nd dose and it seems this vaccine is likely a 3 dose vaccine
Is this expected? Yes. As viruses evolve they do tend to infect faster and usually milder. A lot of vaccines are 3 doses (ie - DpTP).
Is it milder? - We simply don’t have enough data. Its hard to extrapolate from SA since they don’t have a high vaccination rate. Initially it doesn’t appear to be that severe but time will tell.
Why is everyone so worried? - Even if its milder, it will infect about 2-4X more than Delta. So lets do some math. Lets say 1% of those people get sick needing ICU. Thats the unvaccinated. The vaccinated have 70% protection so they get it at a rate of 0.3% that makes them sick enough to end up in ICU. At its peak the 3rd wave was about 4000 cases a day. 1% means about 40 got sick a day. With Omicron we estimate about 12,000 a day at least. Of those 80% are double vax (9,600) that will have about 29 get sick and of the 2400 left thats 24. So thats 53 in total. So, it could be MUCH worse even if the numbers are lower since the total number of cases is so high.
Do Boosters help? Yes. Boosters seem to offer over 90% benefit against serious infection and 70% against any disease. That was after either two doses of mRNA or AZ with a mRNA booster.
Kids - do they get sick? - Early to tell but it seems not to have a particular attack rate aimed at children. Most cases are in the ‘target wrestling demo’ as we like to say.
Why 18-49 range? I think its unlikely the virus only effects younger people. It has more to do with lifestyle (ie - contacts they have). Also less boosters.
What can I do to reduce the risk? Everyone should be boosted as soon as the can (6 months after dose 2). Get your kids the doses as soon as you can. Try to reduce the number of unnecessary contacts.
No Christmas gathering? Not necessarily. If you don’t have any high risk people (ie - chemo therapy, unvaccinated etc) then you can probably enjoy the holidays. Keep groups as small as possible and ideally rapid test everyone on the day of the event.
Rapid tests - how/where do I get them? They are easy to administer - ask me if any issues. In terms of getting them you can find them online for 10-20 dollar range. Some regions are giving away free ones. If you need them and cant afford them I have a few extras I can maybe send but thats limited supply.
What kind of masks do I need? Omicron seems airborne. A regular cloth mask or medical grade may not be enough. An N95 (or equivalent ie K95 etc) is recommended when indoors outside your home.
Are we going to lockdown again? Maybe. Depends on how severe the hospitalization rate is and how many people are affected. Its all TBD based on the next two weeks. I would hate to see it but I think its possible.
What is the ICU situation now? Slow trickle of unvaccinated cases mainly. I would not accept a surge for at least 2-4 weeks.
Are you guys ready? Hopefully. I am not going to lie - we are understaffed (nurses mainly) as many quit or moved on after COVID destroyed them. Its hard seeing unvaccinated peope continue to come in when you know it was preventable. However, we will do our job and nurses in my experience always step up more than anyone else when needed.
Any new treatments? Yes. Some new treatments are emerging that may help as well.
This sounds horrible. Any good news? Yes. Boosters work well. Also early reports suggest a rapid rise and fall in case numbers so it could dissipate very fast. Also it might be milder which is great.
TLDR. Sum it up man - Omicron is a beast. It will infect a lot of people. Everyone should get boosted and vaccinate their kids and reduce social circles. If you are meeting unmasked for a dinner try to rapid test everyone the day of the event. On the plus side if you have vaccines you are unlikely to get super sick especially with a booster even if you get it.
Happy Holidays to everyone and stay safe. If you have any questions at all please reach out