Originally published at https://www.postwrestling.com/2020/03/22/post-puroresu-the-latest-from-japan/
John Pollock and WH Park are back for an update on how the country is reacting to the global pandemic.
The two are back with WH Park providing an update from Japan on how the country is handling the COVID-19 pandemic, the impact it has had on everyday life, the response from the pro wrestling industry, and how it compares to the U.S and Canada.
They also discuss the recent empty arena shows in the country, New Japan’s cancellations, promotions that have continued to run, DDT’s recent show, Stardom’s No People Gate and upcoming Cinderella tournament, as well as WH’s preview of the tentatively-scheduled Champion Carnival.
POST Puroresu is a monthly show at POST Wrestling with John Pollock & WH Park
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