RASD 11/26/21: Black Friday Battle Royal, Kingston vs. Garcia

Originally published at https://www.postwrestling.com/2021/11/27/live-at-1115-p-m-et-rewind-a-smackdown-w-john-wai-all-patron/

John Pollock & Wai Ting review WWE SmackDown from Greensboro with the Black Friday Battle Royal and AEW Rampage from Chicago.

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WWE SmackDown featured the Black Friday Battle Royal for a shot at the Universal Championship, an update on the suspension to Brock Lesnar, Drew McIntyre kept off the list, and Paul Heyman teaches journalism to Kayla Braxton.

AEW Rampage was a taped show from Chicago highlighted by a terrific main event between Eddie Kingston and Daniel Garcia. In a Black Friday Deal match, Dr. Britt Baker took on Riho, and Adam Cole & Bobby Fish face off with Orange Cassidy & Wheeler Yuta.

Plus, your Zoom calls and POST Wrestling Forum feedback.

Photos Courtesy: WWE / AEW

RASD Theme by THE IDENTiTY CRiSiS: theidentitycrisis.com / youtube.com/theidc

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“He’s too dangerous for Rugby!”

Wait, wasn’t that how Cesaro was first introduced?

Why yes. Yes he was!

In storyline, the multilingual Cesaro served in the Swiss militia, before embarking on a career in rugby, which ended with him being banned for “excessive aggression”. ~Wikipedia