REPORT: WWE informs talent to stop using "outside third parties"

The stylistic device is called exaggeration. Still fits you and your contract fetish.

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You being hyperbolic in order to be more dramatic ruins any argument you have. Why not go further and say that they’re like slaves?

And people knowing that contracts exist isn’t them having a “fetish”. You not knowing that contracts exist does mean that you’re extremely ignorant though. Which is a common thing amongst wrestling fans that get riled up very easily about things.

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The easiest way to lose an argument is to overstate it. Sweatshop vs. Contractor with a 6 (or 7) figure income doesn’t do it for me.

UpUpDownDown is under the WWE umbrella so that doesn’t apply to them. It’s even promoted under the WWE banner on their YouTube channel.

I would guess that Bruce negotiated this into his contract when he signed.

For somebody who tells others constantly that they are riled up, you get riled up fairly quick. I stand by my statement. you said it is their own fault for signing their contract. So i have to imagine you think that about all grown ups signing a contract. Sweatshops, Silicon Valley or wherever. Btw mentioning contracts every single post seems like a fetish to me.


You wanting to view contracts the same way you view sweatshops is an issue with you. Your complete lack of perspective is insane to me but unfortunately that’s a very normalised mindset for people that just want to position themselves onto a high horse where they’re supposedly fighting for victims. It’s pathetic but unfortunately you’re not the only one. There are plenty like you on twitter. Zero perspective. Talking about contracts is a fetish… okay buddy.

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Sweatshop workers sign contracts?

I heard that people that work in sweatshops will be forming a union with WWE wrestlers.

Mr. Brodie Lee has banned the Dark Order from using outside third parties. Tough times going on here.

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So I feel like you have nothing of substance to add. But that is a regular thing with your posts. nothing new to everyone here. Insane and pathetic more words you love to throw around and we could add to your fetish list. How do I block people on here?


Does it seem so strange? Of course there are contracts. Oral, written you name it.

Nothing of substance because I don’t agree with them being massive victims in this situation and because I outlined why I don’t think they’re massive victims…? That sounds like substance to me. It might not be the moronic, over dramatic commentary on issues that you’re used to but oh well. Reality is though you don’t care if an opinion has substance or not, you just get offended at anyone having a different perspective.

And you’re the one that initially responded to me, it just didn’t go the way you planned. If you have issues with different takes, either put on some pants and accept there’s going to be discussion or just stay away.

So a verbal “agreement” to work in a sweatshop is in the same ballpark as a written six-figure contract between WWE and a worker, usually with legal representation on both sides of the deal? Your analogy was poor, not to mention offensive in a world where people (including children) are literally forced to work for pennies a day If that, and I don’t know why you’re doubling-down on it.

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What are you talking about? I did not degrade a single soul. From the start i said i exaggerated. I only pointed out the lack of empathy that AOP is flooding this board with day in and day out. And everybody is deserving of empathy getting screwed over. This includes someone who works their butt off in terrible conditions and someone who works their butt off and gets 6 figures. Last comment on this topic here. If you feel the need to reply I welcome you to direct message me and we can discuss further. Cheers

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You said you were just exaggerating but then went on to try and actually make it make sense… You suggested that questioning wrestlers that agreed to things in a contract is the same as questioning people that agreed to work in sweatshops out of desperation (which wouldn’t be a valid contract to begin with).

I also didn’t say that it doesn’t suck for the wrestlers that want to be active on twitch, cameo, whatever but not being allowed to do that is hardly a big issue and it’s something they agreed to. If you want to suggest that the agreement shouldn’t stand because it’s unlawful then go ahead, that’d be an interesting conversation that’s actually relevant.

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Create your own brand, just make sure we get a cut.


I was listening to Meltzer, and it sounds like WWE is upset about specifically Twitch and Cameo. It sounds like they want to create their own platform to do the same things.

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John just put up a new post about Meltzer’s reporting and it states Youtube and Twitch have to be under their real names and doesn’t list anything else on what the consider 3rd party. So whether WWE clarified or the original report was not totally accurate, this seems a lot more reasonable and pretty much on course with how performers have been setting up their 3rd party accounts anyway. If they’re going to stay away from Cameo from now, it feels like them fortifying their IPs and not doing a whole lot of damage to the performers .

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Thats fair. I understand why WWE wouldnt want say “The Fiend Bray Wyatt” making money on the side with that name. Now if say Bryan Danielson wants to make money as just that on Cameo, they should have no right to tell him not to, which now appears to be the case. Maybe we all overreacted, or maybe the tween from Andrew Yang scared them.