Going to copy and paste my post from last week because I can’t be asked to write it all again:
People will push whatever narrative and scenario they want but in the end of the day, the fact of the matter is that the company is in a much better position than what they were in 20-25 years ago.
They tried to push certain people to the top and it was failing. Problem is that they barely had any money left, they were in rough shape and they were competing with WCW. There were alternatives and they had to rely on who the fans preferred. Which is why they picked Bret Hart over Lex Luger even though they wanted Lex Luger. Which is why they gave up on Diesel after a year. If they had it their way, they’d keep them as they are despite any backlash.
The problem is that today, there is NO alternatives that can legitimately compete with WWE. There is no risk factor. They can push and promote whoever they want and not have to worry about anything other than the absolute worst case scenarios. (Gets arrested, Suddenly leaves, Injury, Benoit)
That’s why Cena never lost his position despite the backlash. They are in a much better financial position and are masterful at promoting who they want. Randy Orton said it himself on Twitter. When someone asked him about his RKO T-Shirt (I forgot the context), Orton said that they have much more of Cena’s shirts on display more than anyone else’s and that’s why they sell so well. So you add the combination of young impressionable kids and multiple Cena shirts in display and available and there you go. Overall top seller. I remember when I went to a WWE event in the UK in 2010. It was a smackdown event but despite that, 50% of the shirts were Cena shirts and everything else was the SD Roster.
And now you have the exact same thing with Roman Reigns. There was no change or shift with Cena because even though people complained, most people kept watching and the shift to PG only ended up helping them because of the immense amount of money they made from kids. They KNOW they can get away with it now. So they see someone they like the look of and decide that person is the chosen one. But unlike the 90s, they have the ability and money to do it. Despite any backlash or negativity, they’re still getting publicity and money because of that so it means absolutely nothing. They’ll make Roman Reigns the face of everything and push any narrative and there’s nothing you can do to stop it other than no longer watching.
I think Reigns is a significant step down from Cena because Cena at least had charisma and was able to roll with the cheers and boos but Reigns gets 90% boos at this point. But it doesn’t matter because look at all the money they made recently excluding Saudi Arabia. Why change anything if people are going to watch anyway and they’re still going to make a stupidly high amount? Reigns’ merch doesn’t sell well because Reigns is great. His stuff sells because of the high volume of his merch compared to others and it’s heavily advertised. Of course he’s a top seller.
TLDR - WWE like Roman Reigns, fans don’t, fans keep watching anyway, WWE shrugs and continues status quo.