Saudia Arabia - Womens Match - WWE/UFC

That doesn’t somehow absolve WWE. That just means the UFC should also receive criticism for it. If people are saying it’s okay for one and not the other then okay, they’re being idiots.

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Fake outrage…wonder what the next one will be and forgotten about like the last one?

All this shit is fake outrage…everyone complaining will watch regardless.

Sharia Law is heavily deviated from Islam and is what the SA government enforces, to boldly state that ROH’s owners share the same “far-right” view (which is very laughable) as the Saudi Arabians is plainly crass and very offensive to the people that own ROH. So, yes. You did compare the two, albeit with extreme ignorance of what constitutes right and left, religion and politics.

Regarding the criticism, everybody has a price and I won’t hesitate to blast WWE for pretending the UAE show was so groundbreaking and revolutionary because it wasn’t. WWE deserves to be criticized for agreeing to even run the show in SA before women have equal rights while stroking their collective dick about the women’s revolution and also running Finn Balor out there in gear he probably won’t be able to wear in SA.

I get it, everybody has a price and businesses need to make money. Present yourself as such, not as this philanthropic driving force for global gender equality and women fulfilling their dreams while having shows where that isn’t possible.

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Give Sinclair owners the white house and see what happens.

Alt right to the core who would go right wing Christian law. Same shit…just without the power…yet.

Hardly laughable if you did more googling than “sharia law”,

Just curious if anyone has an ‘issue’ with no females on the NJPW roster. No, I’m not relating the topic of this thread to that statement. Actually, let me better rephrase, would you like there to be more involvement of females in NJPW or do you think the separate companies for men and women model works well (save DDT)?

I tried to research the last time(s) women appeared as a wrestler (so excluding Yujiro’s ‘companions’) and it looks like on 5/3/2015 Maria Kanellis and Amber O’Neal were against each other in a 6 person match. That was the first time in 13 years that a female had wrestled in the company who at that time it was none other than Chyna.

A little Texas Cloverhold on Maria by Tanahashi:


Well said @SweetLifeMatt

@Deezy you are pivoting. Focus on the subject.

@theCobra women are allowed to wrestle in Japan and they thrive. Wrestling is treated with more respect there and like a sport. Men have their organizations and women have theirs. I see it like the PGA and LPGA imo.

Yes I know. That’s why I wrote ‘I’m not relating the topic of this thread to that statement’.

Yes, I would throw a flag on myself for off topic. I was just curious if anyone ‘misses’, ‘cares’, ‘has a problem with’ not seeing women involved in NJPW (since I know most of us are in tune to that product)

Religion is a political philosophy when a government bases its laws on religious ideals.

You can keep calling it fake outrage like Trump calls it all fake news but it doesn’t change the fact that this is an issue. You can keep comparing this problem to other problems and asking why one is getting attention and the other isn’t but it doesn’t change the fact that this is an issue that is happening right now and getting a lot of press within the wrestling media because it’s WWE seemingly selling out the ideals it’s been promoting itself for the past few years.

Yes, the ROH/Sinclair thing is shit - but ROH isn’t on the level of WWE and Sinclair isn’t on the level of Saudi Arabia, so obviously more people will hear about and make noise about this particular thing. You can’t call everything “fake outrage” just because you can’t see a way of fixing the problem and can’t call everything Islamaphobia just because someone has an issue with the way Saudi Arabia treats women; it’s not that cut and dry.

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I wouldn’t say issue, but I think its a missed opportunity. Now correct me if I am wrong but doesn’t New Japan have a “joshi” promotion? There are some absolutely insane female wrestlers especially in japan. But I think if you look at the already long run time of a NJPW ppv, I can kinda see why they would want to keep women’s wrestling seperate. I do think its definitely a thing in japan though, you look at the major promotions and even promotions which had a seperate female side (AJPW Women’s for example) it was almost always seperate. I’m not japanese so I can’t speak to the cultural stigma or lack thereof in regards to women wrestling in the same show with men. But its certainly an interesting question. Its something I HAVE noticed though. Because man, I’ll tell you, Stardom is freaking fantastic. I’ve seen so many incredible matches come from there.

Worth noting to that on the legendary co booked Super J Cup with Great Sasuke and Lyger, the best match on that show wasn’t Lyger and Sasuke…it was the incredible match between two female performers I had never seen. So while women’s wrestling in Japan seems still very segregated, it has been strong for far longer in japan than it has been in the states.

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Sinclair is poised to be the biggest broadcasters with one more acquisition.

Neither is a valid reason

Which still doesn’t make them the government of a whole country…

but you’re comparing one to the other as if being outraged by one means people aren’t outraged by the other. Or as if it’s a choice. It isn’t. I think both of these situations are the shits but as a Brit I can do nothing about either, other than not funding the companies participating in each situation; which I don’t. I attempt to educate people unaware of these situations where I can but I don’t have enough to knowledge of either situation on the grand scale to combat apathy, blind loyalty and plain old fashioned, stubborn stupidity.

This particular thread is about the WWE and the UFC doing events in Saudi Arabia and pushing their women’s divisions to the side in order to make a money in that country. If you wanna start a thread about the ROH/Sinclair issue, do that, don’t derail this thread by making out like a person can’t be outraged by one and not the other, when I’m willing to bet that far more people know about WWE and UFC over ROH and far more people are aware of Saudi Arabia as a country than Sinclair as a company. These two issue are similar, yes, but they are not the same.


Please…all this is, is jumping on hypocrisy to make yourself feel morally superior.

Cue the Stephanie McMahon tweet about philanthropy being the best commercial.

I’m just catching up on this thread.

Woman are different than men.

Shari’a law and Islam are one in the same.

ROH can do whatever they want.

Open your minds. The majority of the world is not North American. You are you. They are they. And even if 99% of the world views things your way, that doesn’t make it right. That makes it normal.

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I don’t think majority viewpoint has anything to do with this.

A culture or religion can be wrong about something.

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LOL the funny thing is, if New Japan said they wouldn’t work in the states because they don’t like the government there. …it be all “Fuck the guys! GRRRR”.

With any other administration you might be right. With the current one…



Okay man, sure. You know everyone’s inner most thoughts and feelings in detail because obviously you’re psychic and ultimately far more intelligent than all of us combined.

So you’re saying that treating other human beings like cattle is perfectly okay? You’re saying the dehumanisation of women is okay? As long as it’s for religious reasons I can enslave someone and take away their basic human rights?

Cool. Good to know where you stand.

I can see this thread is getting rather heated and dealing with some hot button issues, so I’ll just remind everyone to keep it civilized and as respectable as possible.


So you’re going to dehumanize and demonize and entire country because it doesn’t hold your values? The irony.

I hate intolerance…but these people are evil and I can’t tolerate that