The never ending Gauntlet match

Yawn,will it ever end?

It’s made Raw seem like it’s flying by for me!

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I got bored and turned it off just before 10pm EST. The pacing was so slow for me and the order made it quite clear who that match was planning on putting over.

Looks like some people don’t like really good long matches, Seth was great in the match.


It was between seth and advert breaks for MVP

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Got you’re point, especially since I knew how this thing would end, I thought it was really long for nothing and telegraph even more who was going to win on Sunday.

It felt too scripted. I am all about turning my brain off but it was clear by how it was booked who they wanted to protect and prop up.

Braun coming out last was a big mistake. I have no problem with him as a character but I’ve never much been a huge fan of big guys because of how WWE booked them, Andre being the exception.

He should have came out in the middle and squashed whomever was in the ring. If they were afraid of someone pinning him they could have used his lack of speed to get him disqualified. He chases Miz out to the announce table and Miz jumps into the crowd and circles back getting into the ring while the Miztourage stands in Braun’s way taking a couple bumps but doesn’t fight back and Braun can’t make it back in time and is counted out.

I like how Seth was built up as this do or die competitor taking out Reigns and Cena but Balor deserved a bit more love after anchoring the Rumble, however he and Elias felt like filler which is a shame.