Forum Changes (Thread)

ORIGINAL: See title. If you haven’t already logged in using your Patreon account, make sure you do that by tomorrow morning.

Thanks everyone.


UPDATE 5/3: Non-patrons will continue to be able to read News and Podcast forums, as they mirror posts from the website. General and Feedback forums will be patrons-only. Posting/topic creating privileges across all forums will be patrons-only.

UPDATE 5/13: General/Feedback forums are now viewable by non-patrons. Posting privileges will continue to be available to patrons-only. Also opening this thread for comments. Thanks. - Wai


We were about to have a secret society. Dang it!


I want to start off by saying that I respect what you guys chose to do, it’s your forum and you have the right to do whatever you want, and I will remain a patron and a user of the forum either way.

With that said, the forum feels dead since the change, and like @Rated_R_Poster mentioned in another thread, as annoying as some of the now gone posters were, I wish they were still here (he didn’t say the annoying line, that was me lol).