October 6, 2019, 10:17pm
I’m guessing we aren’t adding the 4 other matches apparently taking place
Alexa Bliss & Nikki Cross vs. Kabuki Warriors
*Baron Corbin vs. Chad Gable
*The OC vs.Viking Raiders & a partner
*Natalya vs. Lacey Evans on the kickoff show
But I’ll pick them anyway
Bliss and Cross
Sorry everyone for the delayed scores from the HIAC PPV. I’ve been traveling for work the past couple of weeks.
Because the Fiend vs Rollins match stupidly ended with no winner, I have not counted it in the points. So the most anyone could get right was 6 points. Which @Dhays17 did! Congratulations on being the only forum member to get 6/6.
Whereas myself, @Rated_R_Poster , @Roger_D_Almon , and @scab666h8su got none of the matches right.
Dhays17 - 6 / 6 pts
MJfromNJ - 4 / 6 pts
POSTmaster - 4 / 6 pts
Alex_Patel - 2 / 6 pts
A-Rob - 2 / 6 pts
Breng77 - 2 / 6 pts
CorSec99 - 2 / 6 pts
Danny7 - 2 / 6 pts
EL84 - 2 / 6 pts
PodFatherSOH - 2 / 6 pts
Rated_R_Poster - 0 / 6 pts
RedRaider07 - 0 / 6 pts
Roger_D_Almon - 0 / 6 pts
Scab666h8su - 0 / 6 pts
Scores so far after 13 events (MITB, AEW DoN, NXT25, SSD SA, SG, G1, ER, NXT Tor, SSlam, AEW AO, CoC, KotR, HIAC)
I have included the rankings by score and percentage.
By Points:
Rated_R_Poster - 94 / 159 pts
RedRaider07 - 77 / 159 pts
POSTmaster - 77 / 144 pts
CorSec99 - 77 / 144 pts
Scab666h8su - 75 / 151 pts
MJfromNJ - 71 / 146 pts
Breng77 - 70 / 132 pts
Roger_D_Almon - 63 / 97 pts
Brad_The_Archivist - 57 / 114 pts
EL84 - 52 / 109 pts
countess_platen - 44 / 99 pts
A-Rob - 40 / 55 pts
Danny7 - 39 / 56 pts
Ventak - 24 / 35 pts
Festertrimm - 23 / 33 pts
PodFatherSOH - 21 / 32 pts
Dhays17 - 19 / 20 pts
Alex_Patel - 17 / 27 pts
Psykohurricane - 14 / 32 pts
David_H - 12 / 22 pts
Ari_Kevork_Daghilan - 11 / 22 pts
Conorolo - 10 / 26 pts
ThatChumpStain - 8 / 11 pts
Dannyt - 6 / 15 pts
edgehead - 6 / 14 pts
MrMulligan - 5 / 26 pts
Sakm - 5 / 12 pts
Canadian Destroyer - 5 / 8 pts
jamead - 3 / 26 pts
Chris_Thunder - 3 / 12 pts
Or Percentage above 40 max points:
A-Rob - 40 / 55 pts or 73%
Danny7 - 39 / 56 pts or 70%
Roger_D_Almon - 63 / 97 pts or 65%
Rated_R_Poster - 94 / 159 pts or 59%
POSTmaster - 77 / 144 pts or 53%
CorSec99 - 77 / 144 pts or 53%
Breng77 - 70 / 132 pts or 53%
Brad_The_Archivist - 57 / 114 pts or 50%
Scab666h8su - 75 / 151 pts or 50%
MJfromNJ - 71 / 146 pts or 49%
RedRaider07 - 77 / 159 pts or 48%
EL84 - 52 / 109 pts or 48%
countess_platen - 44 / 99 pts or 44%
Percentage below 40 max points:
Dhays17 - 19 / 20 pts or 95%
ThatChumpStain - 8 / 11 pts or 73%
Festertrimm - 23 / 33 pts or 70%
Ventak - 24 / 35 pts or 69%
PodFatherSOH - 21 / 32 pts or 66%
Alex_Patel - 17 / 27 pts or 63%
Canadian Destroyer - 5 / 8 pts or 63%
David_H - 12 / 22 pts or 55%
Ari_Kevork_Daghilan - 11 / 22 pts or 50%
Psykohurricane - 14 / 32 pts or 44%
edgehead - 6 / 14 pts or 43%
Sakm - 5 / 12 pts or 42%
Dannyt - 6 / 15 pts or 40%
Conorolo - 10 / 26 pts or 38%
Chris_Thunder - 3 / 12 pts or 25%
MrMulligan - 5 / 26 pts or 19%
jamead - 3 / 26 pts or 12%
Its ok, I’m still destroying thanks to King Corbin.
October 21, 2019, 11:57pm
Much like the PPV I was hoping we could all just forget this performance