Originally published at https://www.postwrestling.com/2023/12/28/what-if-season-2-review-part-1-mcu-l8r/
This week, Rich Fann, WH Park and Scrump of PWTcast team up to cover the first four episodes of What If…? Season 2.
Whether if it’s the Grandmaster and Topaz figuring out the Mojo man Tony Stark, the “Rock, Scissors, Paper” squad that accompanies a hard-boiled Gamora, Kurt Russell returning to harass Earth (and his son), or “Die Happy” — the trio handle the ties that bind, the returning actors (and established cartoon voice actor replacements) and what comes next.
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MCU L8R Recommendations:
- Fear Agent 20th Anniversary Deluxe Edition Vol 1 [WH]
- Fear Agent 20th Anniversary Deluxe Edition Vol 2 [WH]
- Saga TPB [Scrump]
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