Borin Corbin strikes again. I’m worried about Wai
I’m not gonna lie this match wasn’t going to be Rollins/Styles but in getting heat and telling a story it’s been good. The crowd hates this and as long as heels like KO, Joe and Orton are cool there is no “Xpac Heat” Good Shit Pal
Above average show until that main event. That was bad.
while it was a bad match it got a good pop by the fans. Its not high end entertainment but it did the job for those in attendance
Lucky bastards they didn’t have to listen to Corey.
Every match was better than expected (other than Corbin).
2.5 out of 13 stars
Really enjoyed every match, got to see a new finish to a cage match, and for what the main event lacked in gravitas, it delivered in cohesive story and paid off in a huge pop. Props to the smaller, but loud crowd. “Please Recycle” chant was a highlight. Thumbs up show for me. Couldn’t be more excited to see where Ricochet vs. The Club is going.
I wouldnt go that far. It was better than expected but it still sucked overall.
Escaping the steel cage has always been an idiotic way to win. AJ vs Ricochet should be great though
Yeap low expectations helped again.
The. 2nd spear on McIntyre looked awesome.
So, the answer to the low ratings is more Corbin? Ugh…
yeah its just so predictable though. I knew the would announce the stupid handicap match tomorrow. Shane hits coast to coast and literally he kicks out and its done in 2 secs. Just seems too rehearsed and uncreative I find
Feels like a total burial of Drew. He is supposed to be a bad ass but cannot even beat Roman by cheating and loses clean, for the second straight time. I mean Shane beat Roman and Drew loses…I just cannot do take him as a big deal.
Ok lets look at 97 with Austin Bret no im not saying theres a double turn potential but Austin never beat Bret and look how that turned out. But yes he definitely needs somes W’s.
To me it is the cheating and still losing after Roman lost to Shane that hurts. Sure they could take time to build him back up. But to me he needs to be out of the main event picture (he won’t be) because I don’t buy him as a big deal. It would be one thing if he were winning against a lot of other talent but could not get by Reigns, but when he isn’t doing much else, being a henchman to Shane, and losing to Reigns he just doesn’t feel like a bad ass. He feels like a mid level heel. I don’t get the booking decision unless Roman is building to a title match what does this win get him?
You’re thinking logically, and within the framework of a cohesive story. What will probably happen is that Drew will continue to lose until Shane turns on him. Losing streak + double cross = babyface (?)
Even the formulas are broken
But that still drops him down the card as what does he do as a baby face? Feud with Shane? We have all face champions right now, and a lack of compelling heels.
Again, you’re using logic.
Yeah, I’m not saying they will. Just that at least for me I have no interest in any Drew match at this point. Or really any title match program they have on the table right now, other than maybe a Brock cash in on Kofi and maybe AJ v Ricochet (I hope the US title doesn’t turn into an extended vacation for Ricochet as it has for the last several champs) They lack contenders for every belt right now. But that is what happens when you have all face(or heel) champs and they wrestle on every show, you don’t build depth to the roster.
Love is going to improve the ratings.