What is the post wrestling people’s thoughts on collecting wrestling DVDs. I have complete years of Superstars
Action Zone
Shotgun Saturday Night
Prime Time Wrestling
Ecw uncut hardcore tv
Ecw Suoercards
Coliseum home videos
I’m just wondering what your guys take is on all the DVDs I’ve collected over the years.

Are these bootleg DVDs? Where did you buy DVDs of Action Zone ans Shotgun Saturday Night? What was the quality of them?

I have torrented then burned to DVD lots of stuff involving wrestling to DVD. My favorite was the complete collection of 97-99 RAW from the live feed from USA unedited.There is a certain charm to watching that over the HD edited network version.

As soon as the Network came I stopped using DVDs and doubt I will ever watch a DVD ever again.

I have a collection of original VHS tapes of WCW/WWE late 90’s PPVs and DVD’s up to around 2003 which i considered getting rid of when i moved house a few years ago, but some older friends convinced me that unless i desperately need the money or space then some day i’d really regret not holding on to such an important part of my childhood. They’re probably right.

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I use to have every WWE and WCW PPV from 1993 to i want to say 2005 or 2006 on VHS and then i pretty much just transfered them on DVD a few years ago so that the quality doesn’t really deteriorate more then it already had. I did the same thing for The TNA PPV that i bought. I’ve got pretty much every TNA PPV from 2005 until 2009 plus a couple of the weekly PPV. I also keep a couple of the coliseum video’s i had on VHS and BETA mostly because of the memories they bring and i got a lot of WWE official DVD release, the one that a truly i’m happy in a way that i didn’t get rid of when the tragedy happened is the Chris benoit DVD. While i thought of getting rid of it like everybody did when the terrible tragedy happened, i decided to keep it, mostly because despite how awful the tragedy was, i thought maybe one day, i will want to watch it again when i felt more comfortable watch chris benoit in action again, so that’s one of the rare dvd i’ve got.

Lastly, i’m probably am one of the rare fans to have the unedited version of the over the edge PPV when Owen Hart died. The edited the event on the network for obvious reason and again i did thought of getting rid of it after the fact but i thought this was such a part of wrestling history that i needed to keep it.

So that’s pretty much everything i’ve got in my collection, i might not bring all of it when i move but their a lot of great one that i probably will keep.

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In the last 6 months I decided to track down all of the ROH DVDs from the beginning. I had about 100 before I started really tracking them down and now I have everything up to 2011 (except Revenge on the Prophecy), might complete 2012. I did this mainly due to the fact that when Honor Club launched they didn’t have anything pre Sinclair aside from shoot interviews, they are just now starting to upload year 1 and are editing music obviously as well as certain segments.
Still have 5-6 sealed WWE PPV’s from 2002-2004 which as far as I can tell without opening them that are not altered like a ton of things on the network are. Have quite a few of the history compilations like ECW, 4 Horsemen, etc…
Also have the Coliseum Home Video releases for Wrestlemania III, IV, and V.
Few PWG titles as well.
I love having physical formats, unaltered and original.

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I have a collection of the old WWF Silvervision videos.
I have several dvds and Blu-rays. Even though I really like streaming things that different promotions uses, but, nothing beats having something psychical for shows to watch :).