A thread for the Non-Wrestling fan friends we all have

So I thought it’d be fun so start a thread about times or stories our non-wrestling fan friends or loved ones did something that crossed over into our hobby lane. Usually make for cute or funny tales. Like when my mom was going to watch All-In with me and then walked in from dinner right in time to see Joey Ryan’s return :man_facepalming:

Here’s another one - I have a friend who lives down the block from where Northeast Wrestling is running their Nov show featuring Kenny vs Rey Fenix. I’ve never seen Kenny live and bought tickets to go. Naturally I’m dragging my friend to the show since it’s in her neighborhood and I am coming from NYC which is almost 2 hour train away. Today she sent me this completely unprompted and out of the blue:

She found it online at Hot Topic and was very proud of herself. I was too!

I have a running list going from my resident non-fan, who also happens to be the funniest person I know. I’ve shared this one before, but my personal favorite was a few weeks ago after Baron Corbin made a tag team match on the fly to end a promo segment:

“Is the only qualification for this job noticing when there are the same number of good guys and bad guys in the ring together?”


Has anyone ever tried explaining the Montreal screwjob to a non-wrestling fan? Everyone, in the story, and you, the storyteller, sounds like an absolute idiot.


I used to have to explain the most ridiculous things about wrestling to my s/o but thank God Glow has helped no end with this!

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