AEW Collision Results: All-Star Eight Man Tag, Night Before All In

Originally published at AEW Collision Results: All-Star Eight Man Tag, Night Before All In - POST Wrestling | WWE AEW NXT NJPW Podcasts, News, Reviews

AEW is broadcasting from Duluth, Georgia. It’s a taped show filmed after Dynamite but aired the night before All In at Wembley Stadium. There were no opening promos, which has become a staple of Collison. 

Jack Perry

Jack Perry came out to the ring for his FTW retirement segment. He had several guys carry the title out like they would carry a casket at a funeral. Perry treated the whole segment like a funeral for the FTW belt. He said in 100 years, his face will be pictured next to the FTW in the history books. Finally, he showed a photo montage of himself with the title. He reached under the table and pulled out a sledgehammer. 

As he went to smash it, it cut a scene of Hook doing pull-ups and saying he’d be back for what’s his. The camera returned to the ring, where Hook stood behind Perry. The two fought, with Hook destroying Perry and suplexing him through a table. Hook picked up a mic and simply said, “Wembley. Sunday.” 

“Wembley. Sunday.”

It's official!

FTW Champion Jack Perry vs. HOOK at #AEWAllIn ZERO HOUR!

TOMORROW LIVE from Wembley Stadium in London, UK, at 5pm BST/12pm ET/9am PT!

Watch #AEWCollision Fyter Fest on TNT!@730hook | @boy_myth_legend

— All Elite Wrestling (@AEW) August 27, 2023

Orange Cassidy, Pentagon, and Eddie Kingston vs. Kip Sabian, Butcher, and Blade

Orange Cassidy, Pentagon, and Eddie Kingston had separate entrances, while Butcher, Blade, and Kip Sabian were already at ringside. Pentagon and Kip started the match with Penta doing his Cero Miedo pose to get the crowd fired up (Alex Abrahantes still managed to catch the glove despite Penelope Ford pushing him over as it was in the air). The match started slow, but once Kip and Orange got in the match, it began to pick up. Eventually, The Blade managed to get control of Cassidy, leading to a PiP commercial break.

Shortly after the break, Cassidy made a hot tag to Penta, who ran wild on the three heels. However, he quickly ate a big kick from the Butcher but fell backward into his corner to tag Eddie Kingston into the match. The two did several big man spots to let everyone know this was a “big meaty men slapping meat” moment. Kingston got the upper hand and tossed all three heels around like toys. He hit a sliding lariat on Kip to end the match and give his team the win. 

Best Friends join the fun

When the show returned from break, The Best Friends were in the ring with Eddie Kingston, Orange, and Penta. They cut a promo on The Blackpool Combat Club, saying they will hurt them for Sue. Eddie went to talk, but Orange snatched the mic. Right as Orange was going to deliver a rare in-ring promo, the BCC appeared on the big screen to talk about Stadium Stampede. While talking, Eddie took off to look for the heels backstage. He ran to the backstage area, looking for the BCC, but couldn’t find them. So Kingston spoke to the camera and said he would watch Santana and Ortiz die in the ring. He told Mox to get out of his way but that he’d bury Yuta and burn Claudio. 

Eddie Kingston addresses his enemies!

Watch #AEWCollision Fyter Fest on TNT!#EddieKingston | #StadiumStampede

— All Elite Wrestling (@AEW) August 27, 2023

Dark Order vs. Darius Martin and Action Andretti

Both teams entered with their music playing for this match. John Silver and Andretti started the match, with Hungie showing off how strong and powerful he was as a way to counter Andretti’s speed. Shortly after the Dark Order isolated Action Andretti, the show went on a commercial break. After returning, Alex Reynolds pinned Darius Martin to win the match.

Darby Allin and Nick Wayne

While Darby Allin and Nick Wayne were being interviewed, AR Fox came to apologize to Wayne and Allin, but Nick walked away. On the other hand, Darby accepted his apology and shook his hand.

"For what it's worth, I can give you my word"
@ARealFoxx seeking forgiveness last week from @thenickwayne

Watch #AEWCollision #FyterFest on TNT

— All Elite Wrestling (@AEW) August 27, 2023

The Acclaimed song

The Acclaimed did a song about how badass they are, which was mostly designed to hype the return of Billy Gunn. The second verse was about making fun of the House of Black. It was a fun video with some good lines. 

#AEWCollison exclusive from The Acclaimed!

Watch #AEWCollision #FyterFest on TNT@RealBillyGunn | @Bowens_Official | @PlatinumMax

— All Elite Wrestling (@AEW) August 27, 2023

Ricky Starks and Big Bill vs. Vary Morales

Big Bill took on an enhancement talent named Vary Morales, who was much smaller than the former Big Cass. As expected, Big Bill squashed him and won the match with a giant chokeslam. After the match, Ricky entered the ring with a microphone, said the jobber reminded him of a young Steamboat, and then whipped him with his belt. 

Ruby Soho promo

Lexi interviewed Ruby Soho, who said she challenged Kris Statlander for an All Out in Chicago match. 

.@realrubysoho issues a challenge to @callmekrisstat to put her TBS Title on the line at #AEWAllOut

Watch #AEWCollision #FyterFest on TNT

— All Elite Wrestling (@AEW) August 27, 2023

Willow Nightingale vs. Robyn Renegade 

Willow Nightingale took on Robyn Renegade. Willow took most of the early portion, but Renegade started winning the match after an outside distraction from Robyn’s sister Charlette, leading to a PiP break.

The show returned with Willow still losing the match, but she landed a big clothesline to get the upper hand back shortly after it returned. She hit a huge spine buster into a stack cover for a near fall while Mercedes Martinez and Diamante looked on in the back. Charlette and Robyn went for a double-team suplex outside the ring, but Willow countered by landing a suplex on both sisters. They returned to the ring, where Willow Nightingale hit a Doctor Bomb for the finish.

Lexi with Kris Statlander

Kris addresses her actions on Rampage. She said she’s sick of The Outcasts acting like children. Statlander accepts the challenge for All Out.

Keith Lee vs. Zicky Dice

Zicky Dice, despite being awesome, was squashed by Keith Lee.

Lucha Underground-like scene

A pretaped fight scene that felt like something straight out of Lucha Underground aired, showing the kidnapped people from last week escaping and fighting off their kidnappers. After they took them out, a blurry figure, who looked like Jose the Assistant, is shown clapping.

Was this a test?….

Watch #AEWCollision #FyterFest on TNT@Pres10Vance | @DRALISTICO_LFI

— All Elite Wrestling (@AEW) August 27, 2023

Samoa Joe promo

“My name is Samoa Joe, your ever-present King of Television,” Joe says he was told that if he got involved in the main event, he’d lose his match against Punk. He said he’d join commentary and not interfere because he’s satisfied. 

“I’m a man who is satisfied. I’m a man who has gotten what he needs. I’m a man who got the match that he wanted from CM Punk!”

Watch #AEWCollision Fyter Fest on TNT!@SamoaJoe

— All Elite Wrestling (@AEW) August 27, 2023

Main Event Time

Hook made his way to the ring first, and as an unbiased AEW Collision correspondent, I can say that Hook is still awesome. Darby Allin came out next, followed by Sting, and finally, CM Punk with “Terry Funk Forever” written on his wrist tape. After a commercial break, Jay White came out as part of the heel team. Luchasaurus came next, then Swerve and Brian Cage. It was a long series of entrances, which makes sense considering the level of star power featured in the match.

CM Punk and Swerve started the match with a traditional lockup, followed by headlock takeovers and other traditional wrestling moves. Punk went for a GTS, which Swerve escaped. Jay White came in next to go head-to-head with Punk, but White asked for Sting to come in instead. White attacked as Punk turned his back to tag Sting in the match, but Punk quickly countered and tagged Hook into the match.

After some posturing and back-and-forth action, Luchasaurus and Darby Allin found themselves in the ring together before Darby tagged Sting into the match for Stinger Splashes. Sting tagged Punk back into the match, and after a distraction from Christian, Luchasaurus hit a big boot to give the heels control going onto the first PiP break.

Shortly after the show returned from the commercial, Punk made the hot tag to Hook, who dominated the heels briefly before he was distracted and thrown out of the ring to be dominated by Brian Cage. The heels had the heat on Hook for a long time, including all the way through a commercial break. Eventually, Hook hit a suplex on Brian Cage for a tease of the hot tag, but Cage got up in time to cut him off. Hook eventually managed to take Cage down and make the hot tag to CM Punk. Punk climbed to the top rope for a big elbow drop on White, and before he could go for GTS, Swerve attacked. From there, they went through the rotation of everyone getting tagged in and taking turns hitting big moves on each other. Eventually, CM Punk got ahold of Brian Cage and hit a GTS while staring down Samoa Joe. Instead of going for the pin, he locked in a Coquina Clutch, and Cage tapped out. With the match over, Samoa Joe ran into the ring to attack Punk, and Jack Perry came down from the back to attack Hook. A huge brawl broke out as everyone fought, further building their matches for All In.