AEW Dynamite Results: Blood & Guts Match, Blind Eliminator Finals

Originally published at AEW Dynamite 7/19/23 Review | REWIND-A-DYNAMITE

AEW Dynamite – “Blood & Guts”

July 19th, 2023

By: John Siino

TD Garden in Boston, MA

Commentary: Excalibur, Taz & Tony Schiavone

FTW Championship: Hook (c) vs. Jack Perry

We start the show hearing ‘Tarzan Boy’ but then it cuts off, and we see footage from a desert where Jack Perry is burying a body wearing his old Jungle Boy boots before he gets in a limo and drives off. When he comes out to the arena, it’s to Beethoven’s Symphony No. 5, while wearing new gear (black boots and black leather pants). Right away, Hook dodges Perry and delivers body shots in the corner before Perry escapes to the outside, where Hook follows. Perry takes control and starts attacking Hook against the barricades, but Hooks reverses and Irish whips Perry right into the crowd where they brawl. They show a graphic, that Dr. Britt Baker DMD is randomly in action tonight, which to me, smells like a ‘money’ segment could occur, being in Boston. When they head back inside, Perry takes control before tossing Hook back to the outside where they go to picture-in-picture.

When we come back, Hook tosses Perry off the apron to the outside with a T-bone suplex. Perry comes back and hits a draping DDT off the apron, slamming Hook down to the outside, but Hook eventually gets back in the ring at the nine count. Back inside, Hook hits a bridged German suplex for a two but holds on and hits another one for another two. Hook goes for a third one, but Perry holds on to the referee Paul Turner and hits a low blow on Hook followed by an elbow strike to the back of the head, but Hook kicks out at two. Perry goes to grab the FTW title, as Turner for some reason gets confused and starts staring at the turnbuckle before getting sandwiched by Perry and Hook. Hook hits another suplex on Perry, but the referee is down to make the count. Perry does hit Hook with the title and makes the cover as Turner slowly makes the three count, ending Hook’s undefeated streak as well as taking his championship.

Winner: Jack Perry by pinfall at 11:40, to become NEW FTW Champion

Secret Meeting

We go to earlier today where Alex Marvez is trying to listen in to a secret meeting, as we see Chris Jericho and Don Callis talking over lunch. A security guard spots the camera and tells them to stop. We see Taz who is upset about what just happened to Hook and says the last thing he wants to do right now is be on camera.

Double Clothesline At Kowloon

We see footage from last night with MJF & Adam Cole where Cole says he has a fear of eating spicey things, as they are outside Kowloon. MJF also says he is afraid of poor people and doesn’t want to be in a Chinese restaurant in Boston. As they are sitting down eating, MJF starts dramatically recapping his body slam to Big Bill from last week. MJF asks if this food isn’t too spicy, and Cole says ‘Baby steps’. They both start reacting to how spicy the food is and ask for drinks and start drinking multiple drinks. MJF tells the waiter that the water tastes bad, but he says it’s 100% alcohol. They both start acting drunk as Cole is tired of MJF telling the Big Bill story. Cole says that the waiter reminds him of Sammy Guevara, but MJF says he’s a dead ringer for Daniel Garcia. Cole says he’s happy MJF faced his fear and there’s only one thing left to do and that’s the double clothesline, as they do a slow-motion double clothesline to the waiter before it gets cut off.

Fat-Headed Idiot

After the break, we see Marvez again from earlier today as Don Callis & Chris Jericho are coming out of a limo. Marvez asks if a decision is made, and they say the decision is that Marvez is a fat-headed idiot.

Dr. Britt Baker DMD vs. Kayla Sparks

Right away, Dr. Britt Baker DMD ducks Kayla Sparks and hits a sling blade. Baker goes to put her glove on and hits a throw followed by a neckbreaker, into the Lockjaw as Sparks taps out.

Winner: Dr. Britt Baker DMD by submission at 1:06

Well, there goes my idea of it possibly leading to some Mercedes Mone’ involvement. Instead, it leads to absolutely nothing. I hope that’s not the only women’s division involvement we get tonight.

Not Right Now, Renee

Renee Paquette is backstage with MJF and Adam Cole and asks if they are surprised by the chemistry they have. Cole says they are not and will win this tournament and become AEW World Tag Team Champions. MJF says they have one plan, and that’s to hit the double clothesline. MJF says he got Cole something, and shows Cole matching trunks he got for them. Cole then shows that he got them matching jackets. Cole says he has one more surprise for him, but he has to wait and see. We see Roderick Strong and his neck brace shouting for Cole. Renee tries to get a word with Strong, but he says ‘Not right now’.

Blind Eliminator Tag Team Tournament Finals: Sammy Guevara & Daniel Garcia vs. Adam Cole & MJF

Chris Jericho comes out before the match and joins commentary. MJF comes out first, and then his music plays again. MJF says they messed up and played his music only for it to be revealed to be a mash-up of both of their themes, which gets MJF very excited as he hugs and picks up Cole during his entrance. Before Bryce Remsburg can ring the bell, Daniel Garcia starts doing his dance, and MJF starts copying. MJF then heads over to the timekeeper’s table and starts playing some dance music, as the lights go down and they all start having a dance-off, indie show style. After Garcia, Sammy Guevara & MJF have some good dances, Cole’s isn’t as good as we hear a record scratch and the match finally starts. Garcia & MJF start the match, and Garcia stays in control before they head to the commercial.

When we come back, Garcia & Guevara shout to do the double clothesline to MJF, but he escapes and makes the hot tag to Cole. Garcia dodges a Panama Sunrise and starts stomping Cole in the corner, but when he does his dance it distracts him, as Cole hits him with a super kick. Cole goes to hit the Boom, but Guevara trips him while running. Cole makes the tag to MJF as they go to hit the double clothesline, but Guevara ducks and hits a Double Spanish Fly and gets a two-count on MJF. MJF counters the cutter from Guevara off the ropes and makes the tag to Cole. They try the double clothesline again, but Garcia attacks them from behind before putting on the Dragon Slayer on Cole, but Cole is able to reach the bottom rope. Cole sends Garcia over the top rope onto Guevara on the outside and tells MJF to dive to the outside. MJF teases doing the dive but stops short. Cole gets the crowd to cheer for MJF to dive, and he does taking out Garcia & Guevara on the outside for a big pop. Back inside, Cole hits the Panama Sunrise to Garcia and tags in MJF as they finally hit the double clothesline for a big pop, as MJF pins Garcia for the win.

Winners: MJF & Adam Cole by pinfall at 10:44, to win the Blind Eliminator Tag Team Tournament

Play OUR Music

Jericho comes down to console Guevara & Garcia, but they just brush him off and walk past him. Back in the ring, Cole picks up the title but MJF gets upset that Cole is ‘holding it like that’, as Cole says they just won the tag team tournament and he was just giving him the title. The crowd chants to hug it out, which they do, but as Cole turns his back, MJF’s expression quickly changes. FTR’s music hits and they make their way down to the ring and have a face-off with Cole & MJF as they will have their championship match on the July 29th episode of AEW Collision in Hartford, Connecticut. The MJF/Cole music hits, as Dax Harwood yells in the camera to Tony Khan to play their music next time, as they are the champions.

We see footage from AEW Collision, as they show the new Owen Hart action figure.

Can You Do Me A Favor, Orange?

Renee Paquette is backstage with the Best Friends, Orange Cassidy, Kris Statlander, Darby Allin & Nick Wayne where Renee says that the Best Friends have an ROH Tag Team title shot at Death Before Dishonor, Statlander has an open challenge against Marina Shafir at Rampage while Darby & Wayne are in the Royal Rampage. Darby says they are gunning Swerve Strickland in that match, before Darby asks Orange for a favor, to give AR Fox an AEW International Championship title shot next week, which Darby agrees to. They all go to put their hands in, but Darby walks off and Wayne follows suit.

We see the Shark Week mascot Chompy dancing around the commentary team as they run down the upcoming line-ups, but Taz tells him he’s not in a good mood and not to touch him.

Royal Rampage Line-Up

  • 20 Man Royal Rampage where the winner gets a shot at the TNT Championship at All Out (Jay Lethal, Jeff Jarrett, Big Bill, Toa Liona, Swerve Strickland, Bishop Kaun, Brian Cage, Jake Hager, Matt Menard, Angelo Parker, Ethan Page, Matt Sydal, Isiah Kassidy, Matt Hardy, Darby Allin, Nick Wayne, Minoru Suzuki, The Butcher, The Blade & Komander)
  • TBS Championship Open Challenge: Kris Statlander (c) vs. Marina Shafir
  • Johnny TV, QT Marshall & Aaron Solo vs. The Acclaimed & Daddy Ass

Collision Line-Up

  • AEW World Trios Championship: House of Black (c) vs. The Acclaimed & Daddy Ass
  • More matches to be announced at the Royal Rampage

Blood & Guts Match: Blackpool Combat Club (Jon Moxley, Wheeler Yuta, Claudio Castagnoli, Konosuke Takeshita & PAC) vs. The Golden Elite (Kenny Omega, Kota Ibushi, Adam Page, Nick Jackson & Matt Jackson)

Claudio Castagnoli comes out first, as the Blackpool Combat Club won the coin toss before they head to commercial. When we come back, we see that Kenny Omega comes out first for The Golden Elite. Right away, Claudio goes to suplex Omega, but he escapes. They run the ropes until Claudio catches Omega into a backbreaker as the crowd chants to use the other ring. Claudio teases doing so, but when he doesn’t they boo. Omega hits a top rope cross-body as they do eventually head to the other ring. A bit more of a back-and-forth until PAC comes out next for BCC. PAC joins in on the double team attack on Omega as they head to commercial.

When we come back Adam Page comes out next to a huge pop and takes out PAC with a fall-away slam and a pop-up powerbomb, before hitting a moonsault from scaling the cage a little bit. Omega & Page start double-teaming PAC, until Jon Moxley comes out next and goes right after Page with a screwdriver. Claudio who obviously watched the Abdullah the Butcher episode of Dark Side of the Ring, pulls out a fork that they start using on Omega. Omega gets a bucket of broken glass and pours it on the mat as Nick Jackson runs out next and starts hitting cutters on the BCC and a hurricanrana to Claudio sending him into the broken glass. Wheeler Yuta comes out next wielding a chair as we go to picture-in-picture.

When we come back, Matt Jackson comes out next and goes after PAC as we see Moxley is bleeding which Excalibur says today is a ‘day that ends in a Y’. Konosuke Takeshita runs out next with a jacket and takes out Omega as Don Callis joins commentary. Moxley pulls out a bed of nails and dropkicks Omega right into them before body slamming him onto them. Kota Ibushi comes out last and takes out Yuta who ran towards him. They try to start the match, but can’t as Yuta is still on the outside. Ibushi & the bloody Moxley get into each other’s faces as Ibushi starts kicking away at Moxley. Moxley ends up on the bed of nails as Ibushi moonsaults onto him. The Golden Lovers start doubling teaming BCC, but they are able to come back as we head to commercial in which we see Yuta and Matt Jackson climb the top of the cage where Matt hits a bunch of Northern Lights Suplexes before teasing doing one off the cage, but Yuta breaks out of it as Excalibur ironically does a blood donation ad for the Red Cross. Matt spills thumbtacks from the top of the cage to the inside as Nick & Page hit back body drops to them. The Golden Elite start hitting a flurry of moves on PAC as we head to another commercial.

When we come back we see PAC diving off from the middle of the cage onto Nick Jackson with a double stomp through a table. All ten match start brawling in the center of the ring as the crowd erupts. A lot of crazy action here including a Snap Dragon to PAC from Omega through the glass, but he is able to escape and puts on the Brutalizer. PAC and Claudio start pushing each other, as the rest of the BCC tries to keep them apart. PAC gets the bolt cutters and leaves the match, which makes me think he’s the opponent for Claudio at Death Before Dishonor now. Page hits a Buckshot Lariat on Claudio, followed by one on Yuta, same time Omega gives him a V-Trigger. Takeshita then decides to leave the match and go join Callis, as The Golden Elite is ganging up on Yuta and choking him out with the chain until the referee stops the match, as Moxley is handcuffed to the turnbuckle.

Winners: The Golden Elite (Kenny Omega, Kota Ibushi, Adam Page, Matt Jackson & Nick Jackson) by referee stoppage, at 50:52 (official match time of 23:01, when all ten men were in)