AEW Dynamite scores four month high in 18-49 demo

Originally published at AEW Dynamite scores three month high in 18-49 demo

AEW is going into Forbidden Door with its strongest 18-49 audience on Dynamite of the past four months.

The June 21 go-home edition of Dynamite from Chicago averaged 902,000 viewers and 436,000 (0.33) in the 18-49 demographic, per Brandon Thurston of Wrestlenomics.

It was a two-week high in overall viewership while posting its largest 18-49 audience since February 22.

The show was up 8% in overall viewership and 11% in the key demo from last week’s figures. In the 18-49 demo, males were up by 13% and females increased by 7%. In males 18-49, it was their highest audience in that category since Feb. 22, as well.

Adults 18-34 saw a small decrease of 4% with females in that demo falling by 16% to override the 4% among men in the demo.

Adults 35-49 grew by 21% with both males and females increasing from last week’s figures.

In Canada, the show averaged 103,400 viewers and 57,800 in the 25-54 demographic on TSN 2 and ranked ninth among sports programs on Wednesday.

The show featured CM Punk’s first appearance on Dynamite since returning to AEW programming this past Saturday. The go-home show before Forbidden Door ended with Bryan Danielson calling out Kazuchika Okada and Eddie Kingston revealing Tomohiro Ishii as the partner teaming with Kingston & The Elite at the pay-per-view on Sunday.

Showbuzz Daily has not released its chart yet, so we don’t know where AEW ranked among other programming.