AEW Revolution: Sting's Farewell - Live Discussion Thread

In honor of the Stinger, let’s have some fun and enjoy each other’s company with some great discussion tonight! Feedback thread will come after the show ends.

Greetings from Mac’s Wood Grilled in Chicago watching with other wrestling fans!


Incredible video package and some good footage from his New Japan days.

Very good opener with Christian and Garcia.

Crowd seems great.

Excited for how the night goes.

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You’re so lucky having this.
This does not exist in the UK.
There may be one bar like this in the big cities but that’s it
I’d love to watch in a bar like that with my mates…enjoy

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Danielson / Kingston was incredible.
Crowd is hot as hell, and hopefully keeps it up all night.

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Felt like I was watching Misawa vs Kobashi again. Incredible match.

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Just got home and started the PPV. Watching the scramble match now. I’ll go back and watch the earlier matches later.

I didn’t think the scramble was anything special. I was expecting a lot more wild brawling around the ring. Instead it was a bunch of sequential 1 vs 1 matches as people rolled in and out of the ring.

I just got home and is it true that Sting’s match is NOT the main event?

The scramble needed a couple extra flyers, instead of Jericho and Magnus.

I think four super heavyweights and four flyers would have worked much better.

It was fun enough, but was a pretty typical scramble.

I used to go to bars to watch WWE PPV’s in the 2000’s and early 2010’s. It was fun and a lot cheaper than ordering the PPV’s.

But around the time the WWE Network killed PPV’s a lot of bars had stopped showing them anyway because they found wrestling fans to be cheap and not tip which is really unfortunate.

Happy to see KOR back!

That tag match started slowly, but man, built into something great.

I was surprised by the BCC win. Really good match overall. “B C C” is not the easiest thing to chant.

Ospreay and Take is just some great shit here.

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Holy shit.

Takeshita vs. Ospreay exceeded all of my expectations. That was insane.

Fking hell that Tiger Driver 91.

Terrific triple threat match for the title. I wasn’t sure how Hangman would do as a heel but he has done a great job selling the heel turn.



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That was a masterpiece.