An Opinion of yours about Wrestling that 75%+ of the board wouldn't share

He will do it. But it’s Vince Russo. Everyone hates him

Its Vince Russo…the excuse for anyone to be a scumbag.

:joy::joy::joy: hell no raw should be used as an advanced interrogation technique

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Not to go full Cornette, but I hate the Spanish Fly. What’s the difference between hitting a Spanish Fly and missing a moonsault?

I know all top rope moves require a little extra suspension of disbelief. And I’m willing to accept the “landing on a guy doesn’t hurt, but missing and landing on the mat does” thing as wacky pro wrestling physics (see also: the slingshot). But only one person being hurt by a Spanish Fly is a bridge too far for me.

I’m fine with the Spanish Fly, but one move I can’t buy into is the top rope leg drop. If it hits, the attacker is fine. If it misses, the attackers sells the ass or/and leg they’ve just been shot. Dreadful.

I’m not really sure how unpopular this opinion is, but here it goes.

I think WWE should acknowledge Seth and Becky’s relationship on screen and use it in storylines.

Some of the best feuds, moments and characters in WWE’s history have come from putting people in on-screen relationships. Marriages in the ring are a wrestling tradition. It’s the kind of soap-opera storyline that WWE can use to fuel multiple feuds.

Right now while Becky and Seth are both faces they could feud with Hunter and Stephanie for “power couple of WWE” since all four characters have been circling each other for years but have really had only a couple of matches together. That’s a main event for summer slam.

NJPW comedy matches are almost always very entertaining for me.

Edge’s Rob Zombie song sucked.

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I don’t hate this. “Relationship” and “Love” story lines often boost interest, and having either a woman hitting on Seth or a man hitting on Becky could be interesting, and because they’re both wrestlers a one on one feud can develop from that, as well as a possible title contender with some heat (unlike what we have now for both of them).

I remember watching the Zane vs Nakamura match at NXT Dallas…and didnt really get what the hype was about. I know people often say its one of the best nxt matches…i donno i just dont see it

I thought that match was about “the experience”. It was a great match on its own, but I also think you have to throw in fans either seeing a unique presence like Nakamura for the first time (like I was) or New Japan followers enjoying the surreal aspect of seeing Nakamura in a WWE ring. Not to mention what was (correctly?) assumed to be Sami Zayn’s last NXT match.

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See thts the thing…your right at the time i wasnt into njpw so for me i didnt know who nakamura was. Maybe thts why, i still understand it how amazing it must have been to have something u never think would happen in a milliom years (nakamura in the us)

As someone who doesn’t follow New Japan that is how I feel about most of the Japanese men when they debut in WWE. There is a lot of hype, and then it is kind of a let down. With the women the Japanese women seem better in ring then many of the other women, and they are hyped less, but the big hype for many Japanese men just doesn’t seem to pan out. Maybe it is the booking, but they generally haven’t been super amazing in WWE.

I much prefer storylines to the actual wrestling these days. A good storyline can carry a crap match more often than a crap storyline can be carried by a good match.

Contrary to popular sentiment, I think that wins and losses are the ONLY thing that matters in WWE matches. We’re supposed to accept that nearly every match not involving “local talent” will be pretty close to 50/50 for the sake of entertainment, and all that matters as far as the booking is who wins. That doesn’t mean that every win and loss makes complete sense, of course, but I think we sometimes overdo it with analyzing the content of a match (i.e. a debuting Asuka going 50/50 with Emma) when all that WWE creative is thinking about is whose hand will be raised at the end.

(Not saying this is a good or bad booking philosophy, but it’s a real time saver to just enjoy the match without reading too much into nuances that aren’t really there.)

I would buy that if we didn’t have guys who lose all the time get title shots, hold titles etc. Wins and losses matter very little

I guess we are about to find out if my idea of putting Becky and Seth together on TVwill work or not. If it’s to set up matches against Corbin & Lacey then maybe not…

Ring Of Honor should feel stupid that their wrestlers were heavily involved in All In. They got very little credit from it and it resulted in the birth of AEW which will take/has taken their spot in the business. Won’t be surprised to see Sinclair lose all interest in a couple of years and sell Ring Of Honor, possibly to WWE.

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Becky Lynch’s smile/grin makes her look heelish

The Wrestlemainia main event killed the WWE women’s division.