ASK-A-WAI: Questions Thread

Anthony from Melbourne

Apologies if this has been covered previously.

Are you able to reveal the reason you weren’t properly credentialed for the Wrestlemania 40 press conference?

I think at the time you may have touched on it being an administrative error but with the recent backlash to Lucas Charpiot for asking a very valid question at the Backlash press conference, it made me wonder if there was anything more to WWE restricting you.

I don’t think it would be the case since Brandon Thurston hasn’t been restricted and is just as vocal as POST in regard to properly covering Janel Grant and associated topics but it does seem WWE only want to receive soft ball questions at these conferences.

Your journalistic integrity is one of the many reasons I think POST is the best wrestling news source, thanks for all your hard work, it’s greatly appreciated!

Do you remember what your first purchase on the internet was?

Luk from Québec

Sorry if this is a silly question, but since so much of your work is based on verbal communication, is this something you’ve had to work on? Have you ever taken time to do exercises that improve your diction, expand your vocabulary, things like that? Have you ever noticed a pattern in your speech that you later tried to correct? I’m always very impressed by how eloquent you guys are and how effectively you can convey your thoughts and find the right words, and I wonder if this is something you’ve had to work on consciously, or if it just came with experience from doing it a long time. Thanks!

As adults, and especially as parents, most of us spend our lives focusing on others or the bills we must pay. What was the last thing you bought - big or small - exclusively for yourself that brought you joy? I bought a pair of Kyoto-style Birkenstocks for the first time ever and just enjoy the way they look.

Imran from Huddersfield

Just caught up on a couple of your latest Rewind-A-Wai’s - great job as always on those - and have two questions based off them.

  1. You guys did a great job conveying just how unique the crowd reaction for the end of Undertaker’s streak was, which made me wonder - what are some other examples of genuine unique crowd reactions in Wrestling? Obviously you get really huge/loud reactions from time to time, but does anything crowd reaction stand-out in your mind as truly unique like the streak end was?

  2. Your review of Brock vs. Cena from Extreme Rules made me want to revisit that match, and it really does hold-up. Would you say that’s Brocks best match since his return? And if not, what is? I would possibly put his match vs. Bryan Danielson above it as I love that match, but not sure others would.

John, on survivor 46, Q said he determined his final jury vote based on how the winner would use the prize money. What did you think of that? There seems to be two camps of thought - 1. Votes should be based on who played the best game and 2. Jurors can ask whatever they want and vote however they want.

Alexander from Portland

John - are there any wrestling related books that you’ve read that you would not recommend to others? It seems like you’ve been pretty positive with the books you’ve chosen.

Wai - what’s the worst Lego set you’ve purchased?

Anthony from Melbourne

What are your thoughts on the overuse of the pile driver?

Particularly in AEW with Orange Cassidy walking away from a pile driver on the steel steps being the most egregious example.

In my opinion it should be a finisher, I know the DDT was once a finisher and is now a transitional move. But the pile driver has legitimately injured people and is one of the more dangerous moves to execute while still protecting your opponent so why not treat it as such.

Andrew from Cape Breton

You guys are great content creators and have a long history of doing great podcasts, but what do you consider to be the worst podcast you’ve ever done? This can include content of the show, how it sounded or even something others may thought was fine but you didn’t like for whatever reason.

We seen the announcement of IYO SKY vs Utami for MARIGOLD Summer Destiny 2024 show at Ryogoku but I was like to ask a question about which Major Joshi partnership is better now in “worldwide hype”, WWE x MARIGOLD or AEW x STARDOM x TJPW but even with CyberFight announcement of NOAH’s partnership with WWE will CyberFight have WWE x TJPW in the future? Thanks!

Sal from California

In light of his recent injury, what are your thoughts on Adam Copeland’s run in AEW? Do you think it’s been the best work of his career? I was never a big fan of Edge personally, but he’s really impressed me since he joined AEW.

Hey John and Wai.

Now that we are 2 months removed from the end of the Roman Reigns title reign, love to get some of your thoughts on something.

How do you think the pro wrestling world will remember Roman Reigns the character and Joe Anoaʻi the performer once he hangs up the boots?

Hey guysHey guys.
With the AEW TV rights just around the corner

Dave in Orlando

Really loving the Double Shot episodes about ‘Who Killed WCW’

People talk about Bischoff or Russo or Turner, but after the latest episode wouldn’t it be fair to say Nash had a pretty big role in the decline given his role as booker?

I was a huge WCW fan and as a 14 year old watching the finger poke of doom I was like, ‘what the fuck is this?’

For Nash to sit there and have no remorse about it is a doozy.

Easily could have stretched out the Wolfpac V NWO feud for months, but we got horrible booking, I stayed till the end but by Royal Rumble 2000, for me WWF was the way better product…sadly.

Mahmood from Bahrain,

  1. I was reading an old Observer from 1994, a time when both the WWF and WCW were struggling with attendance and creating new stars. Dave then goes on to say that if either of the two companies invested in a young Rey Mysterio Jr. and made him their top star, they would become the top company within a few years, given how revolutionary a wrestler he was at the time. Dave correctly points out that this would never have happened due to both companies’ views on size and look at the time, but it’s certainly an interesting thought. What do you guys think? Is there a reality where a pushed Rey Mysterio in the early to mid-90s could have been a huge difference maker? Would audiences have been able to adjust?

  2. Should Trump appearing on Logan Paul’s podcast be designated as wrestling news? I can see it going both ways. They’re both posing with the us belt and I’m assuming wrestling will come up during their talk. But they’re also two figures whose celebrities and relevancy transcend that of a wrestling relevance.

Amit from London

When it comes to ratings, have Demo numbers always been such a big deal / did they even exist in the attitude era? I don’t really remember them being talked about so much then. Could you give me a bit of an overview of why they seem to matter so much now, more so than overall viewership? Thanks!

Hi guys,

Would love to hear your thoughts on WoW, Women of Wrestling. Despite being one of the most watched wrestling shows outside of WWE and AEW productions (according to a NY Times article, anyway) I don’t think I’ve ever heard you, or any of the wrestling podcasts I listen to, mention the show at all.

Would like to know if you’ve seen the show, what you think of it, and if you think there is anything they can do to make some kind of impact.

Thanks again for everything you do. Keep up the good work.

If a bulk of WWE will be on Netflix both nationally and internationally in 2025, do you think Sportsnet in Canada would be interested in AEW? The main Sportsnet channels are pretty busy, but Sportsnet360 shows all the main WWE shows, Main Event, and even packages with old matches. Since AEW has 3 current cable shows, a 5-year library, and ROH, do you think Sportsnet would be interested in AEW after losing at least RAW and Main Event?

Not sure if NXT on CW and SmackDown on USA would be able to stay on Canadian cable or not, or if they would be included internationally in the Netflix deal

Andrew from Cape Breton

Question for John. I’m currently listening to the episode 3 Who Killed WCW podcast and I’m wondering if John has ever been asked to be an expert talking head on a documentary? This show in particular was on WCW 2000 and you’ve done a ton of research and multiple podcasts throughout the years on this subject, so you probably would have been a great fact checker, similar to Dave Meltzer in the Bash at the Beach 2000 Dark side episode.

Luk from Québec!

I’ve often heard the success of the WWE over the last few years being attributed to Roman Reigns as champion, and I always wonder how much truth there is to this. I’m not talking about just Roman in particular, but any champion in any company. After all, the champion is only one small part of any given show. Is there truly a demonstrated correlation between who holds the main title of a company and how well their business is doing? If so, should AEW’s weaker viewership recently be attributed to Swerve’s role as champion? (I’ve been enjoying his run, personally)