ASK-A-WAI: Questions Thread

Spotify doesn’t seem to currently allow manual addition of individual RSS feeds. You’ll need to use a different app that does, such as Apple Podcasts or PocketCasts.

I would recommend Podcast Addict, it’s a great tool for RSS Feed catchers.

John, Wai, what is your relationship with Jason Agnew post-LAW?

Hello long time listener since 2013 and I am wondering what is Wai ting favorite rock band ? Saliva ? Lol and john do you ever see ring of honor ever being great again ? Since the elite left the promotion I stopped watching

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Nick from the Motor City

With the addition of the KOPW stuff (I’ll assume you have talked about how you feel about this already, so I won’t add questions about it here), I have a few title questions

  1. Do you think the US title ever comes back to Japan? Even though Moxley cant defend it in the US for NJPW, the title seems like a perfect opportunity to keep the title as a title to defend on their new weekly show, Strong. Maybe have Moxley relinquish it have make that the main title for that show. Would give people a reason to watch the show. Maybe have the title defended at WK every year.

  2. Do you think NJPW is starting to have too many titles? Im wondering more and more about what’s going to happen with all of the NEVER titles, 6 man titles, etc. I think its a good time to clean up some of the forgotten titles.

Phil from West Virginia

Hey guys! I don’t even know how either of you could narrow this down but what is the most “I can’t believe this is something that made the air” thing you have ever seen in covering professional wrestling? Could be something you’ve seen in your time covering week to week/year to year or something you’ve went back and watched on YouTube/streaming service, etc. You guys are killing it as always.

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Joe from Vienna, Austria:

Hey guys, any book recommendations you can give about pro wrestling journalism?

PEOPLE, Please stop asking this question, they don’t want to discuss it.


Jack from Vejle, DK.

I know this has been asked, even by me but go with it.

Wrestlemania abroad surely has to be on the cards next year. The US is handling this probably worse than anyone else, and you might expect a country like Australia for example to be back to full capacity by April. If they don’t want to lose the gate of a Mania, surely now is the time to commit to an Australia/German/Other safer country Mania. Wondered about your thoughts on this.

2nd Question, There have been some rumours about Vince buying Sunderland FC in England. What do you think about this and the likelihood of this happening in the wake of the XFL failure.

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Branavan from Ajax/Bruhavan from YouTube

In the past John has mentioned that he is a fan of Martin Scorsese, my question is that what are you guys favorite gangster movies? Doesn’t have to be mafia. Mine are The Godfather Part II and Once Upon A Time In America.

Jordan from Kitchener,

Greetings fellas, John, I was listening to Rewind-a-Raw, the one after you got back from a mini-vacation and had me wondering what did a young John Pollock read when he was younger? Was it all wrestling biographies.

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Phil from The Bronx,

Hey guys I’m a huge fan of your show and been listening to since the Fight Network days. My question is this: what is the best and worst wrestling match you’ve ever seen live? Thanks and keep up the phenomenal work.

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Andrew from Cape Breton

First, a scenario. John and Wai get a huge winfall of money. During this time, Anthem gets in touch with both and are looking to sell the Live Audio Wrestling Library and trademarks. Questions from this.

a) Do you purchase it?
b) If not, why not?
c) If you did purchase it, what would you do with it?

Dom from Naperville

Heads or tails?

Jackie from Orlando
Of the Japanese Young Lions, whom do you see having the most Okada upside? Hard to predict of course, but for me it’s Uemura. Beyond wrestling, I think he is best at the in ring acting and display of aggression they look for in their Young Lions and that sets him apart. Also, who decides when Young Lions can go on excursion or change their ring gear? Gedo and the trainers or is management involved?

Will from Toronto here with a Toronto specific question for you guys.

What is 1 now extinct Toronto landmark that no longer exists that you miss?

For myself I remember riding the streetcar home from the Canadian National Exhibition with my Mom down Bathurst so Honest Ed’s is the easy choice for me but Sam The Record man is a close second.

With all that is said these days about Vince McMahon being out of touch and unable to create stars or make needed changes to the WWE formula, is there any insight you have about how exactly Vince accepted and went along with the Women’s Revolution which totally changed how women in the company are booked? Was it him actually listening to the fans or was it more of an intervention from Triple H and Stephanie to push for change? And do you have any idea on what has changed since those days in 2015-16 that makes Vince unable to shake up other parts of the company?


Roy from Rhode Island

Hi Guys,

Now that it has seemingly finished, what are your overall thoughts on the Gargano/Ciampa feud?

While I feel there was strong storytelling and some good matches throughout, I also felt that it was hampered by being broken up by Ciampa’s injury, and the number of face/heel turns. In addition, it did feel like the feud monopolized the NXT main event scene for a long time, and their last match, as you’ve discussed, felt like a big let down, and the worst of the recent batch of cinematic matches.

Chris Thunder from Down Under.

Hey guys, so I just watched the first edition of “Raw Underground” and it honestly got me thinking.

What was more detrimental for their company from a point of credibility and revenue…?

The WWF’s Brawl For All
NJPW entering MMA (aka “Inokism”)

Diego from San Antonio

Just finished watching the series finale of The Sopranos. Any quick thoughts on it are welcome but it brings out a bigger question. What are your thoughts on a finale making or breaking one’s experience with any form of art? Seems as of late people swear that a few or a lot of bad landings ruined their experience with a product. For me, I always cherish the highs and mourn the lows.