Avenger's OutPOST - An MCU Thread (SPOILERS!)

Just a quick heads-up…

I’ll be doing a video review of Spider-Man:Far From Home this weekend on the Kings Of Sport Patreon! Anyone who signs up at the $5 level or above will have access to my thoughts on the latest entry into the MCU catalog (and I have a BUNCH of thoughts…Particularly when it comes to the post-credit scenes)!

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Phase 4, Oh My God!!!

No shit. That line up was insane.

7 movies in 2021 alone. John and Wai’s Marvel reviews gonna go like the G1 reviews

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Sucks they’re wasting falcon and winter soldier as a tv series. Still looking forward to it but rather it be a full length movie.

Black Widow , May 1, 2020
The Eternals , November 6, 2020
Shang-Chi and The Legend of the Ten Rings , February, 12, 2021
Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness , May 7, 2021
Thor: Love and Thunder , November 5, 2021

And to boot as of tomorrow Avengers Endgame will pass avatar for the #1 movie all time.

So you want less Falcon an Winter Soldier? Seems like TV would be a better medium for telling their story. More time, not one big villain showdown.

Not that I don’t like the idea of it being a series I’m pumped don’t get me wrong. But this has that feeling like some execs don’t see it as big box office material.

I think that is less of a thing these days with some of the big budget TV shows. Some things are better for one medium over another. Honestly I cannot think of a great plot for Falcon and Winter soldier as a movie, but I think their characters will make a great episodic show. Honestly outside of big team ups (if budget were not a thing) TV is a better medium for superheroes then movies.

I would have loved The West Coast Avengers as a Netflix Series.

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I hear you, but I also think this could actually be a good thing if done right. You build up Mackie’s Cap (and his new-found relationship with Bucky) in the TV show, give him some featured cameos (maybe in the next Captain Marvel or Black Panther) to make him feel like a larger part of the universe/superhero community, THEN you give him the big push in a solo film 3-4 years from now. :100:


I’m not sure Capfalcon needs a solo film. I mean arguably Cap only had one true solo film (Widow and Falcon both had big roles in Winter Soldier, Civil War was basically Avengers 3). I’d rather see him leading the Avengers in those films, than in a bunch of Solo films.

I agree that the Cap character (regardless of who Cap is) works best in ensemble pieces, but I do think the Mackie Cap needs at least 1 dedicated solo film to legitimize the torch-passing and the move to the next phase.

My pitch would be the MCU version of the Kofi story directed by someone like Antoine Fuqua. A villain on the level of the Wrecking Crew or the Serpent Society try to take Sam out b/c they feel he’s easy pickings & killing Cap would make them major players. We’d get flashbacks to Sam’s military days. The heroes eventually win & the film ends w/Cap & Bucky showing up at Scott Lang’s door leading into the formation of the new Avengers (because I think Ant-Man is also a character that really doesn’t need solo films). :100:

I think you’ve got it backwards. Marvel knows that any movie they put out is going to make $500 million dollars. They are making a Chang Chi and Eternals movies! These are characters I barely know much about and I’ve been reading Marvel comics for 20 years. They are doing the Jane Foster Thor storyline that got a lot of criticism about a feminist Thor which is only going to be 100x greater about a movie. Disney and Marvel are not afraid of that.

What is more important to Disney Execs right now is using the characters that a billion people know about from the movies (Falcon, Winter Soldier, Loki, Wanda, Vision, Hawkeye) to have 100 million people sign up for Disney plus.

If execs didn’t see Falcon, Winter Soldier and the Captain America legacy as a huge asset then they would “just” be making a movie. Instead they are at the center of the platform meant to take Disney into another stratosphere.


Right now, I’m more excited for the Disney+ shows than I am for the movies in Phase 4. I’m thinking Phase 5 is going to be fucking incredible though.

My hopes for the “new”
Avengers is introducing members that have been on FalconCap’s team in the comics, like Ms Marvel, with Peter Parker Spidey playing the Miles Morales role (because he somewhat already is). I’d be ok with Antman and Wasp being involved,

Are they doing female Thor? I thought Natalie Portman was done with Marvel and she was Jane Foster.

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Cool I had not seen that yet. Makes me think even more that they will be leaning toward the Falconcap team at some point, as that is the Thor for those Avengers.