CM Punk Talk on 32 Thoughts

Ok. So, I heard a thing happened in Chicago. Some sort of highly anticipated return, years in the making. A pop for the ages. Like rivaling Jericho-level pop in Chicago. Some suggest this run could be his masterpiece.

Ah, yes, I remember his AEW debut as well but fear it might not have existed and been nothing more than a wild acid trip I took. That we all might have taken. :face_with_spiral_eyes:

Thought I’d drop by and let y’all know AEW doesn’t exist! LOL. I’m kidding.

Jeff Marek and Elliotte Friedman talk about Phil’s return (don’t mess this one up, Punk…) on the latest 32 Thoughts podcast. There is no acknowledgment that their mutual acquaintance Phil recently had a mega return and painted a few masterpieces in AEW or that AEW is even a thing. This is actually how I found out about CM Punk returning to WWE. I’ve been busy and behind on podcasts! (sorry!). Anyway, I thought Marek talking about everything being a work, and Punk’s impending run with WWE using similar statements people could make about his finished run in AEW was interesting.

For those interested, here’s the link to the CM Punk talk on 32 Thoughts:

I don’t know if Jeff is aware that AEW even exists. :joy:

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