with what they are doing over the last few weeks with Drew Gulack commenting during Bryan’s matches, is anybody really interested in seeing this match at wrestlemania, or is this just something that will come to an end before that.
Probably gonna happen at Elimination Chamber. Apparently, we’re getting Bryan vs Sheamus at Mania this year.
Drew vs Bryan can steal the show at Wrestlemania. I’m all for it.
A mid-card nothing match that doesn’t overshadow Reigns because the goal of Wrestlemania (again) is to coronate Reigns
It’ll be Corbin or Sheamus for sure
Bryan’s contract is up in a year and a half…I wonder if he sticks around.
For a guy who has been always driven by pushing himself, it seems like he’s never going to be given bigger opportunities or focus within the WWE system.
Yeah this last run has been really bad. His losses mean nothing - he lost to Kofi, Murphy and Fiend. Nothing came of any of them. He should really not re-sign, they have taken him for granted for years
I mean that is WWEs fault on the booking end he got Kofi over, he got Murphy over. For me no one could get the fiend over as he is being presented.
I’m excited for their possible match, even if it’s just the SmackDown before WrestleMania!
The Murphy loss was pointless and led to nothing. It was done so that Reigns could look better than Bryan when Reigns beat Murphy.
The Kofi loss led to Kofi losing in five seconds to Brock so I’m not sure that ultimately mattered either
As I said that is on booking though not on Bryan and his ability to put guys over and make them look good.
Bryan shouldn’t be putting people over unless there’s some sort of plan. Guys should be more protective, especially when there is so much competition out there for talent
I mean there was a plan with Kofi he got a 6 month title run out of it. WWE needs to follow thing up better and they don’t. I mean by your logic he should refuse to ever lose because WWE is terrible at booking.
now that’s a match i’d rather see
Man, if Bryan was Shawn Michaels from back in the day… WWE does not deserve such good guys on their roster. I am actually looking forward towards a match between him and Gulack, especially if they give the latter some sort of an edge. I just want to see a decent program with a good match. Is it too much to ask?
no it’s not to much, but what has he done to deserve it, who has he beaten
Who, Gulak? Should he do something? I am willing to bet money that Bryan was the one that asked for this match/program (just like he asked about a match with Mustafa Ali), when it was made obvious they will not put him in a program with Nakamura for the IC title.
I can’t think of any solution other than Sheamus which is unfortunate for both men. It could be good sure but I can’t see them getting much time unless it’s on the pre show and that would be pretty bad for them. What a legendary series they will have had at wrestlemania.