On the heels of Dominion there are lots of times where a match under delivers. What I am looking for is a list of matches that disappointed.
As a rule I want to see matches that would be great. Obviously a match you thought would be 2 stars and goes -5 would not deliver, but you probably were not looking forward to it. (this is why nothing like Hogan vs Warrior 2 or HHH vs Steiner)
I am looking for matches you thought would be 4-5stars that did not deliver.
Here is a few on my list:
Shawn Michaels vs Mr. Perfect - Summerslam - a lot of old school wrestlers will list these two as the two top workers of the 80s/90s. You would have thought a singles match over the IC title would be amazing. However it was far from it for some reason - 11 minutes only and Shawn worked the back for most of it
Brock vs Ambrose -Wrestlemania - I legit thought this would be a violent mess and an easy 4 star match We heard on the podcast why it was not.
Jericho vs Okada - Dominion - a match that on paper seemed like a dream match was a clunky 25min way too long style clash that wasn’t close to good. Maybe Omega is that much better than Okada?
Brock vs Goldberg - WM XX - An obvious one. I am not sure if it would have been 4 stars but I was looking forward to it and it was so far below that.
Aj Vs Nakamura - WM - again a match I was so hyped for that wasn’t terrible, but wasnt anywhere close to great. I thought 6stars was not out of the question and it seems Nakamura is truly done having great matches.
HHH vs Orton - WM - again not a bad match but it couldn’t follow UT vs Shawn and was not nearly as violent as the feud would have dictated it should have been
Bret vs Shawn - WM 12 - a controversial one for sure as the match was good if not even a touch great. If you ask any 90s wrestling fan then the two best in ring workers are the list is arguably Shawn and Bret in some order. At their peak, you would think 60mins of them in the ring would be the greatest match ever. Think Okada vs Omega Dominion before that match happened. Instead it was slow and paced out and they saved themselves for a great final 20 mins, but the 40 mins before that really dragged it down. Given that both have had much better WM matches in their sleep (Bret vs Austin, Owen, Mr Perfect and Shawn vs Angle, UT, Razor, Cena, etc) its a shame this wasn’t a 7star classic
Your thoughts?