FEEDBACK For upNXT March 29/2018

Hey Guys!!!

POST your feed back here for the NXT show airing on Wednesday March 28/2018 for upNXT with Braden and Bartender Dave for Thursday March 29/2018.


Mark from Vaughan

I liked each participant in the ladder match getting their own announcement but this could’ve been split up better over multiple shows. The condensed format made Cathy and Regal look a little silly. Love that Ricochet got the big reveal to close the show.

Question: Is there any doubt in your mind that this will be NXT’s best Takeover ever? The card is LOADED and there’s no cooldown match. It reminds me of how the Wrestle Kingdom shows have ended in the last 2-3 years. What’s your prediction for Match of the Night and do you think Almas & Black have it in them to hang with the Ladder Match and #DIY Explodes?

P.S. Glad to have you guys back.

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NXT in my opinion is WWE’s best weekly show. Always brings great action, storytelling, & payoffs to their storylines.
With the introduction of the North American Championship, who do you see taking it? A developed character, or a new player like EC3 or Ricochet? How will this title change the lay out of the NXT product weekly? With now 4 titles, & sometimes the UK title defended on NXT, will it move into a two hour time slot?
I’m glad you guys are back & UpNXT!

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Jesse from the 6

First, a hearty “Welcome Back!” to the most positive and Millennial members, respectively, of the Post Wrestling Squadron. It is lovely to have your two melodious voices back in my earholes.

I’m unenthusiastic about the prospect of the NXT North American Title. I just don’t see the point in it. It was interesting to hear that Regal seemed to stress the regional nature of the title belts, but with a Northern Irishman competing for the NA Title and numerous Americans having challenged for the UK Title, it all seems a bit silly. Which is too bad, because if they ever came out with an Australian Title, TM61 might actually win something.

At the end, it looked like Cathy Kelly was thirsting a little bit for Ricochet. I don’t blame her.

Eric Young has weird nipples.

Take Care


Alex K from T.O

Hey guys,

Like everyone here I want to say welcome back to both of you. I was so excited when I heard you guys were back and reviewing NXT.

EC3’s entrance into NXT was great from the music to the suit to the arrogance like he felt this show was nothing till he arrived. Very close to Bobby Roode’s arrival so hoping for a similar run like he had with an eventual heel run. Plus I picture with his comedic timing the kind of skits we had when Bo Dallas was in NXT.

Two questions for you guys. First didnt Lars Sullivan’s opponent look like a mini Scott Putski and , more seriously, how would you rate the Dusty tournament on a scale of one to ten?

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Andre from Edmonton

Welcome back gentlemen. So glad to have you two back together on a weekly podcast. I’ve missed it.

Montez Ford is gonna be a star. His charisma and attitude are amazing. He just needs to get rid of that dead weight of Angelo Dawkins

I’m super excited for the North American title ladder match. Can’t wait to see what crazy stuff Ricochet does in this match. I see Velveteen Dream winning this match. It’s gonna be lit.

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Cʜᴀʀʟᴇs ıɴ Lᴏᴜɪsɪᴀɴᴀ

Sup Bartenders?! Since everyone else is asking about the show, I wanted to ask you guys a couple of non-related questions.

Bʀᴀᴅᴇɴ: Have you had a chance to listen to either of the rap mixtapes that Hamburger Helper or Wendy’s have released yet? If so, what are your thoughts? If not, then why?

Dᴀᴠᴇ: As a sober bartender, what are your thoughts on virgin cocktails, or “mocktails“? Do you have any that you’d suggest for a novice drinker to try? Also, would you suggest mocktails as an alternative for recovering alcoholics?

“We don’t own the bar. We are the BAR…tenders!” - Braden & Dave

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Man, NXT is in a great place right now. First off, Ciampa is YOLKED, he looks like a killer! I bet that match, or the Men’s title match will be the best WWE match of the weekend. Also, this card could be show of the year, with every match having a purpose. The most intriguing is definitely the ladder match, as I feel that there are 4 legit options to win. Anyways, NXT this week was an A+, everyone did great. The ending was great with the Ricochet reveal, and Cathy Kelly eye Bleeping him. If that man does not become a SUPERSTAR, then NXT would have to be considered a failure. Great to have you guys back in my ears, hope you have a great long weekend!

Question: Do you guys think that this Takeover will mark the start of NXT’s new Golden Era?

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Brandon from Oshawa

I don’t get a chance to watch the show, before you guys review it. Just wanted to say welcome back though. There used to be a time, when I had no interest in adding an NXT review to my listening schedule. I knew Agnew, but had no clue who Braden was. I finally gave in and haven’t stopped since. With the addition of Bartender Dave, you guys make a tremendous team and have such great chemistry together. I look forward to hearing you guys every week and hope I get a chance to send more feedback in the future.

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Viktor from Bulgaria,

In my opinion NXT is the best wrestling show at the moment period. It does not overdo the inring by making it totally unbelievable and has easy to understand but not stupid storylines. It also manages to somehow elevate the wrestlers regardless of who they are and make them into the stars WWE will never be able to.

Case and point EC3 - i don’t know if it was me, but that promo and the way he was talking to the audience prima vista, the way he looked and carried himself, I want to watch him.

10/10 for the show in the last 3 months, 8/10 for this episode and it’s effortless way of forwarding storylines and feuds.

Question: Who do you think will wing the North American Title (I do not follow spoilers) and do you think they, NXT, will be able to promote two midcard titles or is the UK championship going to be retired?

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