FEEDBACK: TNA Hard to Kill 2024

John Pollock & John Siino are live immediately after the pay-per-view with a review of TNA Hard to Kill.

Mannie from Pacoima

Very solid ppv. We had some great matches starting from the x division match and onward. Its great to see vikingo adding more moves to his repertoire like the submission move he used on KUSHIDA amd Sammy’s GTH. Hammerstone vs Alexander was as great as I expected it to be! Both competitors delivered. MK Ultra was robbed, robbed I say!!!
D’amore delivered when he said he had the biggest signing in tna cause that man signed an entire promotion in AAA!!! Give me Arez vs anyone on that roster.

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Robbie from London Ontario

For the first time years tonight all the boys over to watch a show together, and it seems from 3 casuals and me as a die hard, the show tonight captured them. They all said they’d be excited to come back for the next one, and I think i even talked them into attending Sacrifice in March.

But from this die hard, great show, besides the Dirty Dango match the whole show was a lot of fun! Alexander and Hammerstone tore it up, glad to see the title changes and with both the AAA partnership signing and Nic Nemeth I feel, at least for me, that works for a big signing announcement. Hope to hear you guys back for No Surrender next month!

Solid show with the X-Division title match being a big standout to kick off the TNA X AAA joint venture. Trinity did the honors on her way out (she’s sticking around for tomorrow night’s tv tapings and she might turn up in Tampa). Alexander/Hammerstone was a dope hoss fight and the debut of Nic Nemeth after Moose’s title win softened the blow from an “LOLTNA” ending