FEEDBACK: upNXT 10/16/2019

Allo, allo, allo! Davie Portman here requesting all of your feedback for tonight’s NXT featuring Keith Lee vs Dominik Dijakovic and the in-ring return of Tomasso Ciampa. Ahoy!

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Eva from London,

Yes the Shayna superfan

Few things,

Great show but am i the only one that thought the matches were out of order? Why was Dunne Priest event over Djak Lee or Ciampa Garza?

So with all the women throwing their hat in the ring for the number one contendership to #ShaynaTwoTime and her title, how do you see this panning out for War Games? One on one? Multi woman match, a war games match perhaps? Also I loved Shayna’s line “lets be honest you’re running out of limbs to rehab” and how did you react hearing the crowd handily cheering Rhea over Io?

What was the wine this Wednesday boys?

Send good vibes i got a big dissertation meeting Thursday.

Keep up the good work Misters Harrington and Portman

First time long time! NXT was awesome tonight. Better than I even expected. I was getting a bit worried that story lines were looking like like one week story lines but tonight I think we started to see the start of some longer term stories. Love what they did with the North American Title match next week. I think I’m going to have to go see that at Full Sail Live next week. Side note not sure if I love how they shoot Killian Dain the exact same way as when he was part of Sanity coming to the ring. Only negative was the main event for me. While it wasn’t bad I didn’t find it stood out.

Paul from New Jersey

  • [ ] After watching the WWE draft, it’s fun to watch a show that doesn’t make me ask a bunch of questions and wonder what I’m doing with my time. Angel Garza looks like a star in waiting and I’ve been waiting to see the-return of Tegan Nox. Love the pairing with Dakota Kai and I think Taynara looks much improved. Io Sharai may get you high BrayD, however Tegan Nox has me hot boxed. I’m sorry, I’ll get my coat…

Dunne/Priest was great, and the ending was the perfect way to protect Dunne while also giving Priest that heel heat.

As for the women’s division, I smell a six pack challenge incoming at War Games. I think Io will crash the match next week, setting up a #1 contender’s match the following week b/w those three women. Which Shayna will probably crash, and then Tegan and Dakota get involved.

Hugh from Melbourne here. That was a hell of a two hours. I really liked that even though Imperium are heels and Wolfe was at ringside, he didn’t interfere because after all “the mat is sacred”. I’ll happily watch Imperium vs 1-2 every week.
I loved Regal immediately calling out Roddy for interfering in the fantastic Lee-Dijakovic match. When Regal calls you “Sunshine” you know you’re turbo-fucked.
Great seeing Bronson Reed even in a short showcase for Matt Riddle, I can’t wait till fellow big Aussie boy Brendan Vink (formerly known as Elliot Sexton) gets on TV so they can team up, as I feel the NXT tag division really lacks a monster team right now.
Finally, not sure if you’d heard about this but Performance Center coach Hartley Jackson returned to Australia last weekend for Melbourne City Wrestling’s Ninth Anniversary shows, and appears to be back in the indies full time now. I’m sure he missed competing in his time as a coach and it’s great to see the South Australian Serial Killer back in the ring!
Love listening to your podcasts every week, keep up the good work!

Wow, lots of wrestling on this edition of NXT. I popped at William Regal giving no fux to what the Undisputed Era had to say to him backstage. Davie, every time I see Pete Dunne on TV, I hear your voice saying “I’ll break ya fingaaaaaas…” Another great show with my favorites, Rhea Ripley and Vin Diesel. I can’t decide on the best part of show… Taynara’s adorable facial expressions or William Regal’s eyes after making the Triple Threat announcement.

Proud to be a part of Team NXT. Enjoy the rest of your night, guys!

First time, long time here in Malaysia! Felt like today would be the right time for me to share some of my own feedback on here.

Another neat showing from my favourite program on TV, NXT. Pleasantly surprised to see a lot of the Breakout wrestlers get matches tonight, even though they all ended up losing them. It’s crazy to see Boa getting involved in an actual feud.

Having seen him lay out Velveteen Dream and interrupt Lee and Dijak’s rubber match, Roderick Strong has made himself easy to hate. Having said that, I can’t wait to see him put on a barn burner for next week’s NA title triple threat, and I also can’t wait to see Keith Lee chop him of his shitty little dick.

Last thing I want to say is that I’m blessed to have the BDE to keep me company on this journey through NXT. It’s great to see your passion for the show still coming through since the first podcast.