FEEDBACK: WWE SmackDown 3/5/19

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What did you think of tonight’s WWE SmackDown?

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Brandon from Oshawa

I feel like the WWE could and should have such a great tag team division right now. I really enjoyed the segment with the Bar, Hardyz, Nakamura & Rusev and Black & Ricochet. I couldnt get too into it though, because I just dont see any chemistry between Nakamura/Rusev or Black/Ricochet. I’m all for taking guys who arent doing anything and making a team out of them, but these dont feel like the right guys for it.

If Truth had kept the title, I would have almost started to think John Cena was going to accept an open challenge at Wrestlemania, but I’m so happy Joe finally got something and I wouldnt mind seeing Joe/Cena at Wrestlemania now.

There are a lot of guys who dont have matches at Fastlane right now and I think this is a good thing. Not everyone, needs to be on every show. Smackdown does this some weeks and I wish Raw would as well.

Andrew from Cape Breton

Smackdown Live is generally the better show, but since Survivor Series, you might as well call the show Smackdown 205 Live. I like 205 Live. They have great matches and it’s generally well booked, but it doesn’t seem to matter in the long run. Tonight you still have the ongoing Raw Women’s Title angle that has taken over both shows, turning the Smackdown Women’s Title into the secondary title. The NXT call ups are also beating Smackdown tag teams before going for the Raw Tag Titles at the pay per view. I get it, the brand split is meaningless, but now we have too many titles with this much talent bleed over. I’m also starting to hate the look of the WWE Title more and more. It doesn’t help that John and Wai have probably beaten Bryan in a match at some point over the past couple of months, let alone everyone else on the roster. So having this weird looking title for a guy who keeps losing doesn’t help. It seems like Smackdown is going back to what it used to be. Raw’s dress rehearsal with some extra guys. 5 out of 10 show though. Guys worked hard, glad Joe is the US Champ, but it’s becoming more and more like the minor league of WWE.

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It hit me tonight: Bryan Joe Aj KO Almas Rey Nakamura Cesaro Richochette Black all on Smackdown…That in ring talent is incredible.

There is no reason with all the talent on the roster the US and IC titles shouldn’t be elevated by great in ring matches. Being any kind of champion on this roster should mean something. Tonight’s 4 way was great. Highlight the good in ring and those title matches will be anticipated and the belt will get over.

Of these 5 individuals who do you think we get singles matches from at Mania: Shane, Cena, Taker, Roman, Angle

And at what point does the 15+ matches bury guys like AJ and Orton or Balor and whomever as just so low down the priority list

Ad for Fastlane on the network is advertising the Shield is reuniting for the last time ever. :joy::joy::joy:

Jay from Colorado

Just want to point out that Alister Black uses LED candles in his entrance. Seems they are keeping the “working man’s vampire” theme going strong.

“No man is ever good
But every man should learn to be frugal
So you can buy the things you wanna buy
And you’ll one day be middle class people!”

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Jalen from Pickering,

Like every year, Fastlane seems to get in the way of good tv and feud building. This year especially has felt abysmal on the SD side. SD feels extremely unimportant compared to Raw, and it feels like they’ve spent the last 3 weeks just throwing stuff out there to develop half-hearted programs for this Sunday.
At least we get to hear Owens talk again, and Joe will get to actually be a threat… Until Cena pins him at Mania. 5 Bryan hiker outfits out of 10

Chris from Queensland, Australia.

“Fastlane” more like “Speedbump”, Honestly I’ll be able to assume most results with WrestleMania next month and I can’t say anything on this card stands out as must-watch.

Wai, in regards to my feedback to RAW last night:
I was trying to say the needless vacation of the WWE Raw Women’s Championship for Steph just to then hand it back to Ronda came across as very 2000 WCW Nitro. Also that the championship being vacated then handed back to the former champion makes the championship seems less meaningful then before, and less of an achievement should Becky or Charlotte win it from Ronda at WrestleMania.

The WCW World Heavyweight Championship was vacated 6-times in the year 2000 alone, and only one of those times was through legitimate injury.

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Joe from Niagara

Sad to hear about King Kong Bundy.
Highlight of the night was Joe winning the US title. Well deserved, and happy Joe has something meaningful going into Mania.
Do you think we see Joe/Cena at Mania? Or a multi man match? Shout out to Daniel Bryan’s dope Life Perserver, Marty McFly would be proud. Speaking of being proud, Im sure Stone Cold tosses back a cold one every time Owens hits the Stunner. The Miz / Shane thing was cute for a bit, but I’m done with it now. Hurry and and lose to the Usos at Fastlane and start the turn we all know is coming. Wai … just purchased my new Post Wrestling Snap back hat… which is available at The Post Wrestling Store (cheap plug :+1:) but seriously guys, I am a new Patreon and really enjoy what you guys are putting out. Keep up the great work and looking forward to all the future content…

Double shot feedback:

There is one thing I don’t feel has really been addressed enough with Total Bellas, and why I fully support John’s rant last week about Brie not being lumped in with people who have been really bullied online. There is a direct line between Brie underestimating how hard it would be to come back to how hard she trained prior to coming back to someone being injured in the ring. It’s one thing if randomly someone gets hurt, but if Brie is admitting to feeling unprepared and it ultimately results in a serious injury, that’s irresponsible.


I am deeply saddened by the end of the American Truth’s reign. SmackDown has seen the end of a exciting era and all the viewers are the victims for it.

I can’t even give it a review… I am too sadden by this loss.
